Understand Manifestation: the Step-by-step Process Revealed

Manifesting results we want in our lives--like more wealth, better health, happier relationships, etc.--can happen in two different ways.

(1) We can simply do nothing, wait, and hope that they arrive by pure happenstance, or

(2) we can be diligent each and every day to put effort into bringing the results we want closer to us.

I don’t know about you, but I’m setting up my tent in the second camp! This is because I know that manifestation is not a mystery. Manifesting our desires , which begin as fuzzy thoughts, into our everyday reality is a process we can master.

Knowledge, by itself, produces nothing. It’s the combination of knowledge, intent, desire, and action that really starts to make things happen.

It’s like having knowledge about how to grow a garden. If you want big, healthy vegetables, you certainly must have gardening knowledge. But only when you see yourself picking ripe fresh tomatoes and enjoying them so much, will the desire move you.

The desire to fulfill your vision takes you straight to the actions of buying, planting, and watering the seeds. Once this process is complete, the vegetable garden can become a reality.

There is a technique available right now for manifesting our dream life. Here’s the step-by-step process revealed for you:

1.Determine the Ideal

Ask yourself, “in the ideal world, what would be different about my current situation” or “if I could have absolutely any outcome I wanted for this particular problem, what would that look like”. Be very specific and don’t get bogged down with you think may not be possible. Brainstorm at least 3 different answers. If you catch that little voice in the back of your head saying, “no, that’s not possible”, you must ignore it. Choose your favorite ideal.

2.Virtual-ize the Ideal

Pretend the ideal has occurred. Close you eyes and imagine that it’s about to happen, that it does happen, and that it already happened. Feel grateful that the ideal did happen, and understand how it changes your life.

Of course you know that your ideal scenario did not happen in your “real” life, but that it is working in your “virtual” life. When you can exist in both your “real” life and your “virtual” life simultaneously, you are making progress. The more consistently you can exist with one foot in both worlds, the closer they will move toward each other.

3.Realize the Ideal

As your “virtual” life gets very close to your “real” life, you will feel it so powerfully that you have no choice but to speak about it as truth. You will have no choice but to take actions toward your “virtual” life that begin to place it in your reality. You start to look forward to it so much that the joy of having your “virtual” life soaks through you.

4.Manifest the Ideal

This is the point at which your “virtual” and “real” lives merge completely.

The real trick to Step #2, Virtual-ize the Ideal, is to spend time focusing on exactly what you want. Many people are so frustrated and upset about not having what they want, that they focus on their lack. This, of course, creates the complete opposite result that we want.

There are some powerful visualization tools that can be used to imprint your “virtual” life into your subconscious. This will speed up the time it takes to move into Step #3 and to accomplish Step #4.

So be sure to catch your mind sneaking off to think about the wrong things, and pull it back into concentration on the right things. For instance, always believe:

•           that you have a right to have what you want

•           that you are personally worthy of anything you want

•           that the world has plenty of whatever you want to go around

•           that there is a higher purpose in having what you want

•           that having what you want is attainable

•           that you are already grateful for your future abundance

•           that negative thoughts never serve you

Master the 4-step manifestation process, keep your thoughts focused on what is positive and productive, and you’ll be surprised how quickly you can manifest your dream life .

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