Change Return Success - Planning For Growth and Change is Important For Success/? 160510" Change Return Success When you own a business, one of the things that you want to avoid at all costs is surprise. Really, the only surprise that you want to see is a surprising rise in sales. Any other unexpected thing can be frustrating, stressful, and even detrimental to your business. What is the best way to avoid surprise? The answer is planning. If you take the time to plan, then you will be ready for any unexpected issue that may come your way. The truth is, unexpected things will happen in the lifetime of a business. There will be times when accidents happen, when business slows, or when you have to make changes. This is all a part of the life cycle of a business. Planning for these unexpected issues is the key to helping your company survive. There are two main areas that you want to plan for and be prepared for. These two areas include growth and change. Both of these are inevitable for a business, and both will happen on a fairly regular basis. If you do not plan for them, your business could suffer badly. /? 160510" Change Return Success The best way to plan is to do two things: have a backup option and have a procedure. While you may think that, since growth is good, you do not really have to plan for it, just react. This is not true at all. Growth can be a time of stress and decision-making. You will have to plan on how to handle the growth. Will you hire new employees? Do you have room in your current location to grow, or will you need to move? There are many, many questions that come along with the growth of a small business. Instead of just reacting when things happen, if you already have a plan of action ready, the growth process will go smoothly and you will not lose customers along the way. The second area is change. We all know that things change within the world and within business. What people expect from a business will change on a regular basis. If you are not prepared to make changes, then you will quickly be left behind. Although you cannot plan exactly when changes will need to take place, you certainly can plan for the changes. If you already know that changes will need to happen, you will not be so frustrated when they come along. /? 160510" Change Return Success |