The Pursuit of Money

The pursuit of money

We are born into this world with quite set personalities, whether we are explorers by nature or simply love to sing and dance. Our transformation into who we are is simply set by a wonderful freedom to explore what we enjoy and be all we wish to be in the creativity of a child's mind. We don't limit what we wish to be or what we wish to have and attain in those young and innocent years.

As we grow older and are introduced by our parents and social environments to the “real world” we are faced often with a harsh reality which none of particularly like or wanted to live by but due to attainment and choices we find ourselves often in places we are not really happy with. This could be a place of monotony where every faced is the same, just a routine of chasing your tail. It is often the attainment of money which leads us to a place we no longer wish to be. We feel trapped. Stuck. It is a place we hate but due to that pinned focus, that tunnel vision of “I need more money” we cannot move past it. Out entire mind set is all about the miraculous dollar. We believe that it is that dollar that can cure us from it all. It will take us away from this horrid monotony, this tiring motivation to stay within a job we no longer enjoy nor wish to be in, it will lead us to a better place. It is why we never give up believing that this lottery ticket, this week could be that lucky ticket that will take us out of this horrid place. It will set us free and release us from it all.

The scary thing is, we can be set free not by money but by our own view on money. Money, when one doesn't have enough of it, drives us, it becomes our entire focus. We never feel we will ever have enough. It becomes this unobtainable, this thing that only the lucky few can have. It is this miracle thing that it seems only the deserving or perhaps the greedy and horrid people of this earth seem to be able to have. It becomes something almost godly to us, completely unreachable and unobtainable. We have in this mind set created something horrible. We have created something which we ourselves are completely responsible for. We have restricted our own ability and creative thinking because we have allowed this obsession with money to dominate our thinking. Nothing is possible because we simply don't have the money to do it. Nothing is within reach and everything we ever desire is stumped by this “lack of money”. It makes us so miserable. It makes us tired and it makes us deeply sad at all the things we cannot have even though we really wish we could.

Why do we allow money to dominate our minds to such a degree. Why do we believe and give it such power? We blame it for everything, we accuse it of things and we allow it take over our dreams and our desires.

When we look back on our lives, and by the time we reach our mid 50's, we realise how much of our lives were spent chasing that wonderful golden ticket of “money”. We went looking in all the wrong places and created that monster until it ate us up and swallowed all our natural spirit and wonder we once had as a child.

Do you remember what it was when you were only 6 or 7 that you wished for your life? Do you still wish that for yourself now? Have you given up? Was the pursuit of money so overwhelming that it has changed you? Brought you to that horrid place where you a numb from it all and your spirit has gone to sleep.

Go back to that time, go back and dream again, allow those dreams to form in your mind and think about it just for 10minutes. Just 10minutes and don't allow those horrid thoughts of “I don't have the money to do it” come in. Allow yourself to just have that dream once more and form the reality of what it would be like to really have it.

Aren't you tired? Aren't you just tired of it all? You used to really have such a spirit in you. Such a spirit of wonder and desire to do something with your life. Where did it go?

How about we find that spirit again and allow the ideas to flow again.

There is truly a way for you to make those dreams come true. There is truly a spirit in you that wishes for things to change and be more than this terrible rut you are in.

I have been where you are and I have come out of it and am fulfilling all my dreams! Wake up to the reality of possibility.

I now enjoy life more than ever. I am excited about getting up in the morning and my days are filled with hope, prosperity and abundance. I hope I can change your life too.