Setting Goals Worksheet - How to Create a Goal Setting Worksheet

/? 160510" Setting Goals Worksheet

You know that setting goals is essential to your success. Having a goal in mind and developing a plan of action to achieve that goal is a core skill for successful people. It can be intimidating to figure out how to take a goal from an abstract desire into a concrete plan for achievement, however.

This is where it helps to create a goal setting worksheet tailored to your needs. Think of it like a template. When you decide upon your goals for the month, the quarter, the year, or even for your life, you can come to your template worksheet and put your goal down. You can work through each section and you'll come away with a concrete action plan to achieve your goal.

Like most plans, you'll need to work on them and sometimes make revisions. But working through a goal worksheet to create a real action plan can be a powerful motivator to help you get started on achieving all that you desire.

Here's an outline for a possible goal-setting worksheet. Take this and use it as you work through planning a few goals. You can modify this template into a worksheet you'll use each time you go through a goal planning session.

1. Begin your goal planning by visualizing your goal in vivid detail. Picture what it will look like when you've met your goal. Think about how you'll feel. You can write or type this description into your worksheet. Reading back over it as you work on your goal will be helpful. /? 160510" Setting Goals Worksheet

2. Create an affirmation. Write out an affirmation related to your goal. Add it to your list of daily affirmations so you develop belief in your ability to achieve your goal.

3. Make a list of the benefits you'll gain from achieving your goal. This may seem obvious, but it can be really helpful in motivating you to work through your goal and complete it.

4. Analyze where you are now. You need to know exactly where you're starting from before you can get where you're going. Honestly looking at where you are now can help you identify things you need to do to where you want to be.Setting Goals Worksheet

5. Set a deadline. Deadlines are important. Decide when you want to reach your goal. Keep this date in mind as you're planning and taking action on your plans. Remember, if your deadline comes and goes you set a new deadline. Never give up.

6. List your obstacles. What is standing between you and your goal? What things do you need to overcome? What resources do you need to gather?

7. What information do you need, and what kind of help will you need? Do you need to learn something new to be able to meet your goal? Will you require the help or knowledge of others? This is the time to write down those things.

8. Finally, make your plan. Take everything that you've written out in your worksheet and bring it together in a plan that you can follow step-by-step. Include actions to take in the short-term and the long term. Your initial plan may be rough - and that's OK. It will become clearer and clearer as you go along, and may take some unexpected turns. This is normal. New insights will come to you as you continue your affirmations and your goals work. /? 160510" Setting Goals Worksheet