Dreams of Tomorrow:can Dreams for Tell the Future

Have you ever had a dream, and then all or part of it happens the next day? Sounds sort of spooky doesn't it. However, according to the research, while rare, this does in fact happen.

As a personal example, my friend Tracy still lives in the town in which she grew up. However as people move they can easily lose touch with one another, and yet these 'lost' friends can appear in dreams. There have been a few times, just in the last year in fact, where Tracy has had vivid dreams of 'lost' friends that appeared so life like to her, that Tracy shared the details of these dreams with me.

In one dream she and a 'lost' girl friend were together but not verbally communicating. In another, she and a 'lost' male friend were conversing, and in the third dream Tracy reported that she only saw the face of another 'lost' male friend.

After the first dream, ironically, the dreamt about 'lost' friend called her the very day after she told me about her dream. She had not heard from this friend in over 5 years. The second dreamt about 'lost' friend showed up at her doorstep shortly after Tracy told me she had dreamt about him. She had not heard from this gentleman since High School! It was not a class reunion nor any other anniversary. She just dreamt about him, told me, and viola, he appeared. The last time that this happened to Tracy, the third 'lost' male friend, "coincidentally called her the next day.

When discussing dream interpretation, Tracy confided to me that in each of the above cases, it wasn't until she told me or another person about the dream that the friend called or came over. She feels that sharing the dream with someone else may be what helped to make it happen. I don't know if that is the case or not, but I will say one thing for sure. The next time I dream about someone I would love to hear from again, I will be sure to tell everyone about it the next day. What great physicist said that energy cannot be created or destroyed? Hmm, maybe there is something to our universal energy field. While it may be intangible, it is non the less palpable.

Has this ever happened to you? Do you believe that dreams are like trailers to future happenings or events in our lives? What is your opinion on energy? Come on over to and share your thoughts. We would love to hear from you.

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