8 Steps to Motivate Yourself Anytime and Anywhere

I don't want to wasting your time with reading unuseful opening content. Here the 8 steps to motivate yourself:

1 step: Visualize the happy scenes. This is very important, when you feel happy, your mood is naturally lifted.

2 step: Break down the task into a series of smaller, doable bite size pieces. Then, you will not be overwhelmed by the task on hand and can focus on one small bite a time.

3 step: When you complete a task on hand, even a relatively small task, reward yourself with something you enjoy.

4 step: Keep a journal on your achievements. With every achievement, your confidence will soar and you will be motivated to achieve more.

5 step: Remember to incorporate fun factor in your day or even in your task. You can arrange a bowling game after work or make the party late for meeting tell a story.

6 step: Form healthy support network. They can be the colleagues whom you work closely with, parents of your child's friends or your friends. When you need a pep up, they are a good source to turn to.

7 step: Read motivational articles and books. Listen to motivational tapes and CDs. Reach out and fill up your motivational reservoir.

8 step: Keep pictures of people or things that provide strong motivation around you. Have the picture of your dream car on your screen saver. Paste motivational stickers on your desk, your mirror or your fridge door.

Ok, now you have read it, what you need to do is apply it!