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Robert Van Arlen Reveals his 7 Personal Youth Secrets

Overview of the 7 Secrets
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For the past 25 years, I've been asked the following question at least once a day:  How old are you?  I never wondered if I truly lived differently than most people, but whenever I reveal my age, I get the most perplexed look of disbelief.  At first, I used to think it was because of my ethnicity, but I now understand that, although I've been blessed with a youthful look, it's much more than that.

I've been contemplating for years how and if I wanted to release this information and, as I travel the world, I've decided that now is the time.  The questions that I've avoided answering will be revealed over the next 4 weeks.  I'm not sure I will share anything new with you, but I assure you, at some point in the next 4 weeks, you will nod in agreement, think about whether this will work for you, and ultimately, I hope, share this news with someone else.  What provoked me to go public at this time?

Prior to leaving on my trip to Ireland, I made a call on what was to be a new company that was interested in booking me as the closing motivational keynote speaker and to deliver a teambuilding exercise.  The young lady who called me had previously booked me twice with two organizations for whom she had worked prior to this one.  At some point in the meeting, my age came up as an assumption that I could relate to their young sales force because I was young.  The good news was I did not blow the deal when I told them I was 50.  We immediately closed the business meeting and continued the discussion on how I managed to look so young.  The CEO of the organization was persistent, and somehow got me to reveal a couple of secrets.  Before I left the meeting, he was texting his wife to pick up a specific product I've used for over 30 years.  I will be providing the name of 1 product I continue to use in this series.   His level of enthusiasm was off the charts, as I could tell he was thrilled to get this information.  This was one of the first times I've answered the question, so I decided that when someone asks, I would give them a few secrets.  The same exhilaration occurred each time.  Some folks go to the extremes in trying to look young.  The most important point I can make is that youth is both driven and sustained from the inside out.  I believe our thoughts fuel everything.

Secret 1:  No Limit, Age is Just a number
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Each year, whether we celebrate or not, the numeral characteristic that defines how old we are increases.  Trees have rings, we have wrinkles to confirm that the aging process is working.  What I've found is we might not be able to naturally change nature, but we can change our attitude and energy.  Secret number one is "Age is Only a Number".  I can easily give you a speech on the results of a positive mental attitude, but I want to focus on positives, and the fact that age is only a number.  Most people, when you ask their age, will respond by stating their past birthday.  Some folks won't tell you at all and others will lie and say they're younger, especially if it benefits them in some way.  For many years, I've responded that I'm a year in advance of my birthday.  Why not celebrate my next birthday for an entire year?  So when I turn 49 years of age, I would tell anyone who asked that I'm 50.  I explain to them that I was turning 50, and was so looking forward to it.  It is my belief that embracing the number is what's important.  I'm often asked how I can stay so even tempered, and I'm told it appears that it's hard to rattle me.  I look at each day as an opportunity to live, learn or do something good.  These 3 simple principles have given me an outlook on life that keeps me ignited every second of the day. To live and let live by not judging anyone; to learn is to learn from others; and to do something good is to help someone any time you have the opportunity to do so.  None of these principles have anything to do with the number; it has to do with what is truly important.  Celebrate for the entire year, because age is only a number.

Secret 2:  No limits to Learning
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I would like to begin this segment with a question: What have you learned today and what will you learn tomorrow?  I love watching how the Millennial's and the X-er's approach life.  They don't hold back, are quite a bit more open to change, and most of all, willing to take risks.  These groups adapt to technology changes, will travel at the drop of a dime, and are prone to take more risk.  I can recall when I was younger, I had the "no-fear" attitude.  I strongly believe this attitude helps us deal with pressure situations.  I've continue to learn through younger generations the power of conquering fear and taking risks.  There are risks when you travel and leave your comfort zone, especially to another country.  The opportunity to learn from other cultures is limitless.  I've gained a greater understanding of mankind through other cultures with ties that go back hundreds of years.   Most of all, I've learned the importance of learning new things to keep my mind fresh.  The result is greater enjoyment.  I enjoy, golf, tennis, snow skiing, water skiing and playing the piano, only because of a commitment to learning.  Learning expands enjoyment and enjoyment is linked to happiness.  It's the best break you can give yourself.   If you have the attitude that you can learn to do anything you commit to, you will open yourself to a new realm of possibilities that will keep you feeling and looking young.

Secret 3:  No Limits to Laughter
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Have you laughed today?  Life is serious enough as it is, and it is scientifically proven that laughter is healthy.   For years, I've made it a point to keep a journal of things I find funny, with myself while I travel.  I also log the funny things my friends say and do.  I know that a stressful situation in the future has my name on it, so when something stressful happens, I think about the funny stuff and laugh.  While writing this segment, I was on the train from Cork to Dublin, Ireland, and there was a 2-year-old sitting in the seat in front of me.  She had no cares in the world and laughed at everything.  She was so funny that it made me laugh.  Little Sophie's laughter was so contagious that she had everyone on the train who could see her, laughing.  You should laugh 15 – 20 times a day.  So while you're reading this, think of something funny and give yourself a good laugh.  Life is serious enough.  Laughter will keep you young.

Secret 4: No Limits to Reinvention
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Are you doing exactly what you want to do or should you reinvent yourself?  This is a difficult question to ponder.   Reinvention can be small and incremental or it can be a complete overhaul.    You can approach reinvention in many ways, but I recommend you start with a few questions.    First, what is it that I want to be doing?  What do I need to learn?  I can assure you that, in some cases, the answer does not come right away, but within a few hours or days clarity is revealed.  One of the toughest questions that is difficult to answer honestly is the question of our own physical health.   I own up to my family's history of high-blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and a host of other issues, but I also understand it does not have to be my personal label.  I had to reinvent my lifestyle and behavior which had a direct impact on my attitude, appearance and life.

In some cases, reinvention will require support from others.  I've often said that people either support and ignite you or they drain you.  Another one of the tough choices we have to make is who we allow in our lives, and how they affect our ability to change.   Over the years, I've had to make that difficult decision to make myself less available to those who drain my energy.  Energy draining individuals will age you.  You have enough to worry about with your immediate family--everyone else you can choose to have in your life or not.  You may ask yourself the same question--how are you impacting the lives of your friends?  Positive energy is transformative and has the power to keep you young.
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Secret 5: 1 No Limits – A Transformative Product

I purposely waited to reveal 1 product that I believe has transformed my life and look.  I was about 13 or 14 when I made the discovery of this product, and I've been using it ever since.   Those who have traveled with me, lived with me or know one thing about me that is truly personal, will tell you that I live by a product called Palmers Cocoa Butter.  This product is the only product that I use on my face, hands and body.  I call it my anti-aging secret, and am often told I smell like cocoa butter.  This is not a product pitch, it's just what I've used for ages and it works for me.  A few years ago, I was traveling with a friend of mind name Dave.  Dave had been pestering me to reveal what product I use to keep the wrinkles away.  I told him about Cocoa Butter, and I understand he is also now a big advocate.  I laugh when I think about 2 guys sharing beauty secrets!  Just a few days ago, a new client begged me to tell him what, if any, products I used to help keep my youthful look.  I shared the secret, and he texted his wife to pick some up on her way home.  I'm sure there are a lot of helpful products in the market that make a difference, but for me, the 35+ years of use is good proof.  Whether you rush to the store to try it or not, I'm just revealing my secret.  If a product makes you feel and look different, and it's safe, go for it!

Secret 6: No Limits – Live with an Active Hobby
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Although I enjoy doing many activities which require learning and some level of skill, I believe that one of the secrets to looking and feeling young is to have a hobby that you want to attempt to master over time.  I use "attempt to master"  because it is the pursuit of mastery that ignites the neuro-plasticity in your brain, sending out all sorts of waves of positive energy.  This stimulation is critical to a youthful look and feel.  Practicing piano is a hobby of mine that I will never give up.  I define hobby as an activity that challenges a person to develop a skill that they can perform alone or with other individuals.  It extends beyond the level of non-participatory enjoyment.  Most people enjoy going to the movies, sporting event, concert or play.  An active hobby requires you to develop your own skills.  Are you in the game or sitting on the sidelines?  Your own personal active hobby will help you stay looking and feeling young.

Secret 7: No Limits – Create Your Own Growth Pursuit

Every day of my life, I'm thankful for the opportunity to pursue my dreams.  I find it interesting when I meet people who truly believe they are entitled to their work and life.  Some senior executives believe they are entitled to making the big bucks; new employees in many cases develop an entitlement attitude early in their career; and long-term employees with seniority often look for ways to coast. Entitlement results in stagnation and, in some companies today, stagnation will lead to unemployment.  It is an attitude that suggests you're only trying to get by.  While you're getting by, you are aging your mind, body, spirit and physical appearance.  Do you know anyone captivated by complacency?  Some of the signs are the following:

  • Blame others for their problems
  • Wait for the company to offer trainingYour browser may not support display of this image.
  • Unhealthy
  • Never travel outside their comfort zone
  • Consistently complain about work

The bottom-line is you have the opportunity to be in control if you take your growth into your own hands.  Just because you have a great job, family or life, don't take them for granted.  Young children have the ability to create their own fun at any time; I believe therein lies a critical revelation to the secret of youth.


I hope you have enjoyed this series and have had the opportunity to share your comments and ideas on this 7 part series.  More information about definitions and terms used on this article can be found on /