I have heard many stories from people who were glad a certain year finally ended as they were'tested' to the max during the preceding year. The year could have begun in January, or on another significant date, such as a birthday. It does not matter. The point is, when a new year begins for us, we all step back and review. Oftentimes, we conclude that the year was a waste and we wish things were different.

I myself have not been immune to the challenges sent by the universe in various years. For instance, last year, in May, I broke both my arms. Yes, I said BOTH! I had never broken a bone in my life before then. At the time, I had just published my first book. Therefore, I began trying to market the book the best way I knew how. The shaman who has been so instrumental in changing my life for the better kept telling me to"slow down, your strength is not yet strong enough to move forward."

I did not listen. The next thing I knew, I fell; and fell hard! Even though my doctor told me that it is extremely difficult to break your elbows, especially both at the same time, I managed to do just that! When I told the shaman about the incident, he replied succinctly,"I told you to slow down. You did not do it, so now they forced you to slow down."It took me over 3 months to heal those breaks!

The test was not over, though. Within a few weeks of the fall, I began experiencing excruciating pain emanating from my neck and running down the length of my arm. I soon discovered my neck was also injured. After consulting with several doctors, it was determined that there was no remedy other than to have fusion surgery to repair the three discs that were involved. Therefore, one week before Thanksgiving I had surgery.

By the end of the year, I thought all my challenges would be over. Wrong! The universe gave me one more boot in the pants before the year ended; I suffered food poisoning. I got sick the day after Christmas with vomiting and diarrhea that seemed to have no end. I did not feel better until December 31. At that point, I too was glad the year was over!

However, despite all the pain and inconvenience during the year, I never wished those challenges had never happened to me. I knew that everything happens for a reason, even if we do not know the purpose for our travails. Furthermore, while things may happen 'accidentally,' the saying"something good comes out of something bad"still applies.

My mom used to always say,"Don't wish your life away, it will be over soon enough"when someone in our family expressed a wish about being finished with or not having to go through something. Many people who called me during last year made similar statements like, "I wish none of this had ever happened to you."

My mom's words have always stayed with me. Her intent was to let us know that this physical life is short and fleeting. Yes, that point is valid. However, there is so much more you can deem from the statement,"Don't wish your life away."It is the mere fact that there is a plan working for your benefit, so do not begrudge that process.

What good or benefit, you may ask, could come out of breaking both arms, having neck surgery and getting food poisoning? There were several things. However, let me give you just one advantage. I did not see it at the time (which is often the case), but I was forced to be at home, resting and contemplating my life. Yes, my strength did build as the shaman predicted. Nevertheless, more importantly for me, I did not have a clear plan on how to market my newly published book. By being required to remain home, it gave me the opportunity to focus and fine-tune a plan that I probably would not have been able to do otherwise. Hey, I may have never written this article had I been in better health last year!

So, you see, you may not know what the plan is, but your spirit within does know the plan, and the light of the universe helps you all along. A higher being, or God within, is guiding you in every aspect of your life. Sometimes, the road is challenging and hard. However, something constructive can come out of it. You may not understand or see the'light'at the end of a long, dark and lonely tunnel. Nevertheless, a tunnel does direct you to a point, and there is light at the end of it.

Furthermore, lest not forget that you are an eternal being since the spirit of everlasting light is within you. Therefore, you may not see the advantage of your challenge in this lifetime. Yet, it is there waiting to be discovered at some point in time.

Do not wish your life away and do not wish any year had never occurred. Can you see the benefit of that year now? My wish for you is that you recognize there is construction going on right now in your life. Sometimes, we have to tear things down and it can be ugly. However, the result can be beneficial to you and everyone else around. The light of God is within, working to guide and transform you and your life in a constructive manner!

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This article was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author's site. Further articles are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2010 Cindy L. Herb, . All Rights Reserved Worldwide.