Blog Out Your Emotional PainsYou just can't bear your painful emotions anymore. You want to cry over somebody's shoulder but you fear being judged and ridiculed. You want to seek an unbiased professional who can listen to you in a non-threatening way. But, you can't afford the service fees. You are only left with the option of staying in your closet and emoting your pain in the dark by yourself. Feeling better yet? If not, cheer up! You can blog out your emotional pains and feel better as you go through the process. If you don't know what blogging is yet, in simple terms, it is writing a journal of your experiences through a web log on the internet. BLOGGING AS SELF-THERAPY You may feel scared by the thought of publicly disclosing yourself to the huge world wide web. But, think about how blogging can offer you your own self-therapy: 1. You can maintain your anonymity Carry a fictitious name, if you prefer, and blog in such a way that your true identity would not be revealed. Wouldn't that be more comfortable than talking to somebody you know or do not know? 2. You can avail of unlimited sessions for free Express yourself freely anytime and as many times as you want at the comfort of your computer without having to spend hundreds of dollars for professional therapy fees. After all, don't you have the money to pay for these services? 3. You can access your blog posts for self-analysis Blog and save your posts. Every now and then, if you feel like it, conveniently retrieve, analyze, reflect, and learn from them. You would agree that experience is the best teacher, wouldn't you? 4. You can receive help from unknown sources Be surprised how unknown readers out there can provide you with support and encouragement you never imagined were available. Isn't that what you desperately need anyway? 5. You can earn some money doing your own therapy Write passionately about how you feel. The words you have written can pull relevant Google Adsense ads, if you implement it, that could interest your readers to click on them. Ka-ching! How would you like a check mailed to you as a bonus? 6. You can delete your posts or your whole blog anytime you want Get rid of your posts that you don't like, even your whole blog, if you think you are done with your self-therapy or you find out that your blog doesn't serve you anymore. Isn't that a safe appearing and disappearing act? START BLOGGING NOW So, after reading the above considerations, you have decided to do self-therapy by blogging. Do you know how to get started? If not, do this: Go to and follow the instructions from there. It's simple, easy, and free. You should be up and blogging in minutes. Don't forget to also sign-up for the integrated Google Adsense program if you want to pay yourself for helping your own self. Don't you deserve that? MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER Blogging is just one of the many self-therapies available. Whatever method(s) you use, the most important thing is that you are able to release your emotional pains so you make yourself feel better. Take care. |