One of the virtues I asked God to instill in me this year is courage. I think courage is a very important virtue because you would not be able to act out all the other virtues you have if you don't have courage. On Saturday, I got the chance to do something very courageou……hit the runway in the full glare of a million critical eyes. That was courageous considering the fact that I am no Tyra Banks …. .. not even close . I was in for the free goods ….and… yes, it's something I've always wanted to do but have never had the courage.

Some of my friends told me I was crazy to be part of the models. One of them even predicted that I would fall on the runway.   During the rehearsals, I almost opted out. I mean these girls had perfect rhythm while it was pure torture for me to understand why I had to always put my left leg first before walking. ….. and the food  ….  that was the part I failed completely. I had tried to avoid "carbs" for one week before the event but I did not even survive the first day. I regretted all my eating on Saturday just before we hit the runway and I saw the quality of models I was on the runway with. These girls were HOT! I had not seen the extent of their curves when we were rehearsing but now it was WOW…They were all between ages 24 and 28 with perfect size … well packaged, full options. A complete set of "Arsenals" and "Manchester." I was also pissed when I saw my outfit. I wanted something that would bring out the sexy side of me instead it made me look like a woman . My make up done by a professional make up artist was also too much . …. very disheartening I must confess and it was too late for me to back out now. I had to psych myself. I told myself that I don't have to look pretty… just to have a killer attitude for the next 5 minutes. It was going to be the longest walk of my life!

When I stepped out, I heard people screaming.. Was that for me ?? I looked side ways and saw my girls , Nneka, Amaka, Ekaette, Sola,  Chinyelu  all screaming (..and I did not beg them to scream for me ??? No?? Yes???)  and then I  heard my boss , Charles  screaming "That's my girl !!!" and then the crowd went wild …….. Where they screaming for me??? YES they were!! In my grandmother's outfit and my "embalmed drag queen make up", they were screaming. I turned to wink at them and strolled back like the super model that I am. I doubt if any of the model got even half the cheer I got.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally made it backstage.  I made it but if I had the chance, would I do it again … NO!! It must be exasperating being a supermodel. if had supermodel looks to get by, I may not have been able to project an engaging personality that transcends appearances neither would I have developed important attributes of my personality .  Because I was born with less than perfect looks, I had to develop my sense of humor, creativity, and ability to relate to people and I have done that very well I think.

Since Saturday though, I have learnt to accept my own unique form of beauty and show the world what I have to offer; which is that am no super model but am a real person and if I had fallen down as my friend had predicted, I would have picked myself up because when real people fall down, they get up….. and yes , I can anything I want … absolutely anything!!!

Yes, I can!