Success Isn't Permanent, Failure Isn't Fatal

Well, it has been sometime I have written about topics other than SEO. I have been busy thinking about how to upgrade my blog and SEO rankings. So today I want to post something different.

First of all, have you ever heard of this quote by Mike Ditka, the legendary Chicago Bears Coach of the 80's and 90's. This is one of those quotes that have really been an inspiration for me every time I was feeling down or when I procrastinated while doing something.

What does this quote mean to me? This quote had given me strength to carry on and the push whenever I am feeling satisfied with my effort. How can one quote gives such a great inspiration .

Let me start with Failure. Why start with something negative. It is because so many people are afraid to do something because they are afraid to fail even before starting. Why are so many people afraid to fail? Take a look at this.

When you are afraid of something it will keep popping up in your mind. You kept on visualizing what will happen if you failed in achieving your goals or dreams. The loss of money, loss of dignity, fear of being scammed and so many other scenarios kept playing in your mind.  As many Motivators kept saying what you focus on expand. Meaning this visualization of failure, which is a result of your fear to fail, will then ensure that you WILL fail from the word go.

So, it is important for us to get rid of our fear to Fail. It doesn't mean that we have to be gung-ho in our approach but it means that after doing our planning, research and whatever else we have to do, we have to go and do it. We have to take our plan into action because as Mike Ditka said Failure is not Fatal! It is not like we will not be able to get up and go back to our planning table and do another plan and go at it again. The most important ingredient that you need to have to achieve your Goals or Dreams is the Believe in Yourself. Remember you have made it to the world because you are the only one among millions of sperms which managed to be one with the Egg. You were stronger than those millions and had more determination to reach your goal! That is what going to get you to your next goal and your goals after that.

But isn't failure is a habit and so do success? Yes. It is true that failure and also success is a habit. In order to reach your goal and achieving success you have to change the past. How can we do that? It is by changing the past habits that have made us unable to achieve our goals. And one of those habits is the Fear to Fail.

Success is not permanent. Well.. what can be truer than that. For me, true success will only be permanent when we leave this world. As long as we live, we have to achieve success after success and during that journey some failures too.

True success is what you are remembered for after you have passed from this world. What have you contribute to the betterment of your family, your friends, your partners in business, your society, the world as a whole, etc. So success is actually a journey for us to make an impact to the closest people around us, our children, our spouse, our family, our friends. It doesn't stop when you have achieved certain monetary goals or at certain status. It is about be able to make a difference everyday in our lives. Its about what we can give instead of what we can get.

Failure is Not Fatal; Success is Not Permanent. A very powerful quote indeed!