You can move forward as fast as you want. You can absorb information at the speed of thought. You can use the processes explained in this book to get all A’s in school, to earn a doctorate, to pass an exam, or just to become the smartest person on the planet.

Instant learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills as fast as they are taught or demonstrated to you—instantly. We’ve discussed the first two steps, now here are the next few:

Step 3: Methodology and Application
As you capture the definitions and categories that make up your field of study, begin taking notes on application.

How can the knowledge be applied or used? What are the most common methodologies used in the field? How do the best practitioners get the results that they get?

The key question here is “How is this used?” or “How is it actually done?”

How is this used? How is it actually done?

Step 4: Add-ons
In every field of learning there are interesting facts and information that you may want to capture but that are not fundamentally important to understanding the essence of that field.

Create a place in your notes to capture this information as well.

Step 5: Relation and Evaluation
After you capture new information, you need to tie it into your existing neural map. Learning can be thought of as the linking of the known world with the unknown world.

Your learning must be tied to what you already know!

The key question here is “How is this like or unlike the things that I already know?”

“How is this like or unlike the things that I already know?”

For example, you may find the Instant Learning approach to be more structured than other learning approaches you have worked with, or you may see it as being similar to how a good textbook is constructed.

Another key factor here is to evaluate the information. Add your own distinctions based on knowledge you already have.

For example, if you are familiar with Mind Mapping, popularized by Tony Buzan, you might add to your notes “Mind Mapping could be used in this step to link learning with past ideas.”

In the final article, we’ll discuss the last two steps in Instant Learning.