Musical Integrity

Musical Integrity

Where musical integrity exists one feels the aliveness, uplifting, creative spirit from which it is produced. One feels inspired and enriched. Music created this way is always fresh and exhilirating and is food for the soul. To underestimate the value of this is indeed foolish.

How is it then that so much of the music we hear today is so mindless, created for a mass market popularized and controlled by those who are only interested in keeping it that way so they can make money out of it for themselves. In the meantime the general public's ears are being assualted by the same old tunes over and over again. This repetitive rubbish dulls the senses which are otherwise sharp and focused. When the senses are suitably dulled we are in effect robbed of the heightened state of awareness which is our birthright. Dulled senses produce feelings of despondency, depression, helpnessness, low self-esteem, attention problems, hyperactivity and a whole host of other things.

That's not to say that mass marketed music has no place in the overall scheme of things only that there is rather too much of it and we need to work to restore the balance. By supporting those who are actively working to produce music with integrity we are restoring the balance so sorely needed in the world today.

Musical Integrity Part II

Conscious music has the power to bring something new into being this is how important it is.

The most primordial sounded word is a sacred mantra OM. Conscious music is a carrier of that which is sacred. All spiritual keys penetrate into the depths of being through an organic and gentle process of integration which begins intellectually but proceeds tothe realm of intuition and finally lodges with the birth of insight.

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