Make Wednesdays a Power Day - Banish Hump Day Forever With These Tips

This uplifting author, Joanie Winberg, better known as the Happy Wednesday Lady, is feeling extremely energized about spreading the word ofHappy Wednesday. The passionate writer plans on making Wednesday a Power Day and banishing the dreaded middle of the week's "hump day" reputation forever. And she can do it too. Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone felt that way about Wednesdays? Think about it, rather than only existing for the weekends, you could feel better each and every day of the week.

Can you see how much more you would accomplish? How many more good days you would have? And finally, what a difference this could make not only in your life, but all those around you.

Winberg's 10 Power Tips offer just what you do to do it. Here are just a few:

1.Start your day with an inspirational tip. Journal what you are going to do differently to make today a better day. Winberg has the perfect Journal and Inspirational CD Set to assist you at
2.Find your favorite inspirational quote and make it a part of your day.
3.In the morning, write down three things you are grateful for.
4.Look for the good. Focus on what is going right in a situation versus what is wrong or not working.
5.Do an act of kindness. Now consider, how does this make you feel? Can you imagine the difference if everyone did even one act of kindness each and every Wednesday?
6.Forgive someone and make amends with a relationship gone sour. How good would that feel? You then have brand new relationships and renewed friendships.
7.Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time to say hello. Tell them you've been thinking of them.
8.Call or e-mail a member of your family and tell them how much you appreciate them or how much you appreciate having them in your life.
9.Do one good thing for yourself. Something you normally wouldn't do.
10.Have some fun. Make Wednesday night family fun night. Yes, you still can get the kids to bed on time for school. But devote one hour to something fun for you and your family.

Committing yourself to working on your Wednesday attitude keeps you in high spirits every day of the week. And if you need a little help in making that happen, Winberg provides her Happy Wednesday Broadcast, 90 second midweek "BOOST" to help. Winberg's commitment is to help make everyone's daily joy contagious and bringing the feeling of gratitude into an individual's life. It provides inspirational quotes and tips to help listeners kick off their days with motivation and laughter.

Linda Hollander, the Wealthy Bag Lady, author and founder of the Women's Small Business Expo, is just one of the many making the Wednesday change. Hollander wrote, "I look forward to my Happy Wednesday midweek boost every week, and I can't wait to hear what gems of wisdom Joanie will impart to me. Watch out world, the Happy Wednesday Lady will inspire you to live your passionate life."

And for those who regularly tune into the radio for inspiration, Winberg brings her message to radio stations across the nation in an effort to broaden the Power Day scope and is currently looking for more stations interested in airing her Happy Wednesday Broadcast.

Rediscover your true magnificence each and every day by changing just one day of your week-Wednesday. Make it a Power Day and feel the difference.