Success Examples - Life Success Tips I Learned From Steve Donahue

/? " Success Examples

Life success stories are among the most powerful ways to convey essential success tips you can apply to your own life journey. No doubt you've heard the phrase "your life is a journey" before. If you're like most people, you are quite easily willing to accept the statement as true. However, if you're like most people, you also haven't really considered the degree to which it's not only true, but to which it means you really need to actively start navigating your life to get the most out of it. And for that, you require a compass.

Steve Donahue is a best selling author and speaker who teaches life success principles using the metaphor of crossing the Sahara Desert. I had the opportunity to see him speak recently and his simple metaphor, around the inherent need we all have to follow our compass was very powerful and really struck a chord. /? " Success Examples

According to Steve, your life is like a journey across the Sahara Desert. It is a constantly shifting terrain with no visible horizon changes to provide a sense of direction or tell you where you are relative to the rest of the desert. In the desert, a map is useless to you. The terrain is uncharted and so you must navigate by following your compass. You don't know how long your journey will take; you only know that by following your compass you are heading in the correct general direction.

The analogy is the same in life. For example, if you are a parent, when does that job end? What map do you use to guide you? The reality is that you don't -- instead you rely on your intuition and your experience. In short you follow you internal compass. /? " Success Examples