How to Measure Talent and Expand it Quickly

Have you ever wondered how much talent you have?

Or have you ever worried about a possible lack of talent?

If the question “Do I have enough talent?” has ever troubled you, here’s how to measure your talent and expand it quickly.

In 1977, I heard Dr. Norman Vincent Peale say “Desire is proof-positive of talent!” Even as I write these words, I can still see him at the podium and hear his voice.

In that moment, he answered the “talent question” for me and, I hope, for you too.

So let’s explore the “desire/talent” connection and what this means to your success journey.

Suppose Dr. Peale is right. What happens when we recognize desire as an accurate indicator of talent?

If desire means talent, then you have the talent to accomplish anything you desire intensely enough. This changes the question “Do I have enough talent?” to “Do I have enough desire?”

Do you realize how simple and empowering this question is?

It says you are limited by desire, not talent.

In fact, I’ve observed that many people find this encouraging because it effectively takes “talent” out of the success equation.

You may be unsure of your talent. However, you certainly know if you have intense desire.

In fact, it really says that if you intensify desire, then you expand talent.

You’ve probably verified this experience many times. If you let yourself want something intensely enough, then you find a way to accomplish that objective.

And this is true even if the accomplishment didn’t come easy!

Whenever I ask someone to call to mind something that you eventually mastered even though it took a lot of practice, you are likely to respond with “Yeah. I haven’t thought about that for a while.”

Even if your first attempts were clumsy and awkward, desire propelled you through the times of trial and error.

Eventually, you probably realized “I can do this!”

Allow yourself to desire even greater levels of mastery and you will discover even greater levels of talent.

And you can continue this happy pattern of success as long as you let desire grow. Talent will grow and so will success.

Do you have an intense, persistent, and unremitting desire to do something?

If so, congratulations! You have an equal amount of talent.

Dismiss any thought that questions your talent. When you measure your desire, you also measure talent.

If you have the desire, then you have the talent.