Self Improvement Goals - How to Set Self Improvement Goals

/? " Self Improvement Goals

Goal setting is one of the secrets for achieving what we want in life. Without a goal we wonder aimlessly around not knowing which way we should headed to. The purpose of a goal then is to clearly define what and when we want something to happen, so that our dreams will come true. If you want a successful life, goal setting is definitely a skill that you need to master.Self Improvement Goals

A self improvement goal is one of the many goals that we human set in life. It is much more satisfying to experience success when it comes to self-improvement goal setting. Success almost certainly starts with setting a goal that clearly defines. However many set the goals and then do little about them, or lack of the know how to achieve them.

Here are 3 tips on how to set self improvement goals:

1) Writing down your goals and clearly defined them

Take for example, if losing weight were what we want for example, a clearly defined goal would include the number of pounds we desire to lose or the body measurement or dress size that we aim to target. It is a clearly defined goal that allows us to tell whether or not we have achieved our goal. If we leave a goal at I want to lose weight, we would never know when we have achieved the goal because there is no way to determine success or failure. Is a loss of two pounds enough to be considered success at losing weight or did we fail because it is not noticeable that we lost weight? A clearly defined goal such as: I will lose ten pounds by Christmas Day can be measured and success or failure determined in a definite manner. /? " Self Improvement Goals

2) Set Realistic Goal

You will more likely be able to achieve your goal if you take the time to examine your goal and make it one that will be possible to achieve. An unrealistic goal, no matter how well defined is still going to be difficult to achieve.

3) Breaking down a big goal into smaller goals

There are many obstacles and challenges that a person could encounter on the way to setting a self-improvement goal including not knowing exactly what the goal is, or not knowing what it takes to achieve a goal, not being willing to focus on the goal on a daily basis, not being passionate about achieving the goal and also not being able to take the consistent action required to achieve a goal. /? " Self Improvement Goals