Dealing with kidney stones can be a very painful disease, which is the main reason for implementing the right kidney stone diet plan. Many foods can actually worsen the problem and ultimately cause more pain. The medical term for this is nephrolithiasis. This condition is caused by the already presence of stones in the kidney. Cholesterol, oxalates, and uric acid are the most common crystals present.
Water instead of alcoholic drinks or soda
Alcoholic and carbonated drinks retain these kidney stones and do not help in the excretion of the crystals, while water helps in excreting them. You should take in more than 8 glasses a day of water. Increased urination will help eliminate additional crystals, which may turn into stones.
Consume only low fat and low sodium foods
When attempting a kidney stone diet plan be sure to avoid low sodium and low fat foods. Foods that are preserved typically are high in sodium chloride. Sodium chloride in most cases with make you retain water not allowing for the needed excretion of crystals. Then end result would be hardening of the crystals and lodged kidney stones. Implementing the correct kidney stone diet plan can and should help prevent future formations.
Avoid internal, visceral organs and legumes
You'll want to avoid eating foods rich in uric acid. The uric acid in these foods is what causes the formation of kidney stones to begin with. Such foods would include legumes, peas, nuts, canned sardines, cabbages, and lettuce. Concentrate on eating lean meats and other vegetables. Stay with the correct kidney stone diet plan and lower your risk for chronic kidney disease.
The development of kidney stones
It's the accumulation or the stacking of the crystals that actually form the stones. When they do not pass through the urine, they harden and become full fledged kidney stones. If the stones are to big, it's then when they get lodged in different places within the kidney causing major discomfort and pain. It's very important, especially if you are predisposed to kidney stones, to stay on a strict kidney stone diet plan to avoid any type of surgery or laser therapy.
If you have chronic kidney disease or stones, starting the right kidney stone diet plan is something you should consider. It's been proven time and time again that eating the right foods will not only prevent but will eliminate the risk of future problems.