Health Benefits of Blueberries and Strawberries

It is summer. This ensures a shift in attention to other types fruit. This way at present the Zack fruit receive a lot of attention, such as the strawberry and the blue bay in abundance. Both internationally and in the Netherlands ondezoek have been done to these fruit types. During the symposium `where your gezondheid' in Venlo supported these fruit types in abundance in the interest.


Both the blue bay and the strawberry contain a rather high quality to antioxidant. Antioxidant are able free neutralize radicals. Too much free radicals are detrimental because the molecules are possible very easily responses to will with for example the DNA. This can lead to maladjustment of the cell thing and therefore to cancer. The most important antioxidant in the blue bay and strawberry are anthocyanen and vitamin C. in the blue bay sits more anthocyanen, in the strawberry more vitamin C. Anthocyanen, a vegetable dye, ensures the blue and red colour of the bay and the strawberry.

Consequences on health

Theo the cook, linked to university Maastricht, found that decreased detrimental impact with 20% by consuming blue bays. Here too appears that people with certain hereditary properties are more sensitive for the protective impact against DNA damages then other.

It is interesting that has been there also looked at to the impact of warming on the activity of anthocyanen. Hans by van Wageningen university and research centres bent himself concerning that question. If we treat the blue bay in fresh situation, we see after short warming, as for example at making pie filling happens, little difference in the total antioxidantcapaciteit and the quality to anthocyanen, the most important antioxidant in the blue bay.

Geja have examined Hageman of the university of Maastricht which impact can the strawberry on people with overweight and ouderdomsdiabetes. Of the conclusions is that the consumption of strawberries reduces the lighting re punch in blood. Strawberries can reduce thereby a deterioration of the dishes functions in people with overweight and starting ouderdomsdiabetes.

Moreover the research aimed also at DNA damage by free radicals. Hageman: After two weeks intervention with aardbeiensmoothies appears that at the examined group people the DNA damage in white blood warrants has decreased significantly. Probably that fall is the consequence of the production reduced of free radicals at lighting processes.

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