Why Diet Food Plans Shouldn't Leave You Feeling Deprived

I can't think of anything more depressing than diet food plans that leave people feeling hungry, depressed and deprived.  As if it isn't hard enough to change your lifestyle to lose fat, you have to feel unhappy while doing it too?  Not where I stand!  What does it really take to diet successfully?  Let's take a look.

It Starts with Taste

It doesn't really matter to me that an algae smoothie may be great for my body; if it tastes like I am licking pond scum, I am not going to eat it more than once.  We are designed, by nature, to seek out foods that taste good, and if the diet we are on at the moment provides us with low fat cardboard, we aren't going to be able to maintain the effort.  It just doesn't work.

Any diet food plan that you consider should be based upon real foods, foods that you enjoy and provide you with good, wholesome nutrition.  That is a sustainable plan.

It Continues with Nutrition

For your body to be sated with what you feed it, especially if you are cutting calories to lose fat, it has to receive all the nutrients it needs.  If you deprive it of essentials such as carbohydrates, fats or proteins, or any of a number of critical micronutrients, you are going to hear about it.  That doesn't mean your body will complain audibly, it means that you are going to start feeling tired, grumpy and hungry.  Hungry people don't stick to food plans well.

Now take in to account that different people have different metabolisms and they need to consider them when eating.  Someone who has a protein driven metabolism needs much more protein and fewer carbohydrates than someone with a carbohydrate based metabolism.   Even so, both individuals will need healthy sources of all nutrients to thrive.

Tailor your Diet Food Plans

Learn how to cook some new things.  A bowl of quinoa for breakfast with a bit of raw honey drizzled on top and a handful of blueberries is a great meal, no matter what your metabolic preference.  If you like red meat, plan to have a small steak for dinner.  If it is fish you love, splurge on a piece of Coho salmon and put it on a bed of organic greens with a side of brown jasmine rice.  Once you figure out what satisfies you best, you can adapt any diet plan to meet your needs emotionally as well as nutritionally.

Basics are Best for a Healthy Diet Plan

In the end, the things that feed your body best are those that are as close to their natural state as possible.  That means buying organics, to the degree that you can.  Searching for raw milk products, grass fed meats, raw nuts, nut butters, and new types of whole grains to try out, all promote good health and will help you stick to your plan.

Investing in your nutrition is not only smart; it is the best way to lose unwanted pounds. Diet food plans that don't recognize this need, and don't try to incorporate healthful foods aren't worth your time or money.