Ringing In Ears Symptom Of - Symptoms of Tinnitus

/?080710" Ringing In Ears Symptom Of

Ringing in ears should not be taken lightly at all. For those who don't know what ringing in the ears means, it refers to a condition where a person gets to hear different kinds of noises and buzzing sounds in their ear.

Its scientific name is called Tinnitus. The shame is the lack of knowledge about this form of sickness. Yes, Tinnitus is not considered a disease and this is exactly why there is no particular form of medication that patients of Tinnitus are prescribed.

Now, you can imagine the misery and the suffering that patients of this sickness have to go through. In fact it can cause the patient so much of pain that they completely start avoiding going out for socializing.

There are various factors that can cause Tinnitus. The most common one being extreme exposure to excessive noise. It is also called as cochlea damage and there have been many reports in the past suggesting that at least 90% of Tinnitus cases are caused due to the cochlea damage.Ringing In Ears Symptom Of

And though some of us may laugh while reading it but listening to loud music in MP3 players or in an iPod begins the problem of constant ringing in your ears for you.

Another factor that can cause tinnitus is taking excessive stress and anxiety. Considering the hectic lifestyle that most of us have to lead through in these times it is only normal to take stress. But excessive of anything is dangerous.

Stress harms the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus controls the primary organs of the brain and when the hypothalamus itself is injured then it starts harming different parts of the body and there by your ear starts getting defected slowly.

Sinus, muscle tension, thyroid, joint disorder and the Meniere's disease can also cause constant ringing in ears. /?080710" Ringing In Ears Symptom Of