History Of Genetically Modified CropsThe Real History Of Genetically Modified CropsIf you are aware of GMO's and what they are, then you might have heard the FDA claim that Genetically Modified Foods are properly tested, safe to eat, and necessary to feed the world. But unfortunately their idea of testing either doesnt include the long term effects of these GMO's, or they simply refuse to aknowledge that pesticide genes combining with our gut bacteria to create the BT pesticide is a problem. Either way, Genetically Modified seed's and food's are something that we must avoid altogether. The problem's surrounding GMO's (Genetically Modified Organism) vary- from the way the FDA regulate's testing to the long term effects these food products have on those that consume them. Its not just the fact that there are major problems with GMO's , the fact that a huge percentage of people in our country and others, have absolutely no idea of the harm involved or even worse , have been lead to believe that GMO's are approved by stringent testing performed by the FDA. The brutal reality is that the FDA has absolutely no guidelines for GMO research and testing. The worst part , is that the FDA leaves all testing up to companies like Monsanto. Who's Monsanto, you ask? Monsanto is the company that GROWS Genetically Modified FOODS! Do you see the problem with this? Since when does the FDA operate like this? Trusting the FDA becomes even harder after we see real test results performed by 3rd party researchers. What Are GMO's?1st of all, GMO's are simply food's grown from altered seed's. The seed's in question here are seed's that have had the BT pesticide inserted into their gene's. Growers do this as a lazy way to keep crop's from being eaten by bug's. Thus ensuring larger crop yields. Make sense? But how could no-one think that injecting pesticides in our food supply might be dangerous? Isnt that why we trust the mighty FDA? Honestly, GMO's are just one of many problems that we are finding in our food supplies these days. But we'll stick to the GMO's for now. Now, genetically modified 'technology' made its way through the door when Bush senior was in office way back when. When the White House mandated to the FDA to promote biotechnology. So who was in charge of developing the biotech policy? A former Monsanto ATTORNEY! Who eventually returned to Monsanto after his job in the White House was done. After the damage was done there would be nothing to stop companies like Monsanto from injecting pesticides and other chemicals into our food supplies. Obviously the lawyer created the policy that would leave it up to the same companies that created these biotechnologies, to test them as well. The FDA has claimed it was not aware of any information showing that GM crops were different “in any meaningful or uniform way,” from non-GMO crops and therefore didn’t require testing. But 44,000 internal FDA documents made public by a lawsuit show that this was a complete lie. The overwhelming consensus among the FDA’s own scientists was that GM foods were quite different and could lead to unpredictable and hard-to-detect allergens, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems. It turns out that FDA scientists, who had urged superiors to require long-term studies, were ignored. The Effects Of GMO's To Our HealthI will use corn and a field of genetically modified cotton as an examples. Both of which are very real. Now , when these companies decided to create the self preserving crops by injecting the BT pesticides into the gene's of seeds, their intentions were mostly good. Aside from a bit of laziness, and/or trying to make more money. The basic idea was to create crops that would create their own pesticides in order to ward off bugs and critters. That would mean more crops and less waste. But without proper testing by the companies, we wouldnt find out that these BT pesticides would actually combine with our own Gut bacteria gene's - thus creating this awful pesticide inside our own bodies! Even in small doses this has been proven to cause many different illnesses and other health risks. This next part of my article was taken directly from a 'Seeds Of Deception' article. It reads as follows: "In 1999, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, the world’s top GMO safety researcher at the prestigious Rowett Institute in Scotland was working on a UK government grant to design long-term testing protocols intended to become part of the official European GM food safety assessment process. When Pusztai fed supposedly harmless GMOs to rats, they developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, smaller brains, livers and testicles, partially atrophied livers, and showed signs of a damaged immune system. In other words, his study suggested that the GM foods already on the market, which were created from the same process, might also create such effects. When Dr Pusztai expressed his concern he was fired from his job of 35 years and silenced with threats of a lawsuit. His 20-member research team was disbanded, all testing protocols were abandoned, and the pro-GM establishment embarked on an extensive disinformation campaign to discredit the study’s results to protect the reputation of GM foods already in the marketplace. When an invitation to testify before Parliament allowed Pusztai to finally tell his alarming story, all hell broke loose. The outpouring of news coverage, said to one columnist, “divided society into two warring blocs” over the GM food issue. An industry wide rejection of GMOs was reached quickly thanks to the buying power of consumers who convinced manufacturers to keep GMOs out of the European Union, in spite of official approvals by the pro-GM European Commission." Amazing, right? Thats not all, read on. But whats more amazing is the fact that you probably never even heard of this - and it happened in 1999, not too long ago. It was barely mentioned at all by our own United States media. Our media also failed to mention what happened in the only human GM test ever done. In this test it was discovered that the foreign genes inserted into the GM food crops can transfer into the DNA of our Gut bacteria. this means that long after we eat the GM cornchips , our intestinal flora might continue to manufacture the BT pesticide that the GM corn plants are engineered to produce. American media also failed to mention that 10,000 sheep died within 5-7 days of grazing GM cotton plants- that were also designed to create the BT-toxin. I know it sounds unthinkable that we live in a society that either doesnt care to inform us, or even worse could be controlled by someone or something that would actually prevent this information from being seriously exposed. Are only options as consumers is to avoid these GM foods. But the problem with that is that over 65% of all foods have been created with these GM technologies. eating completely Organic foods are our only way to safely avoid the toxic GMO's that have invaded all major food supplies. personally , I have found that buying Organic seed's is a cheaper way to produce completely healthy organic food supplies. You can find these seed packs online. They usually range from $37-$100, depending on how big of a garden you wish to plant. Its much cheaper than buying all your food from the organic stores, and you will know for sure that you are eating 100% organic foods. For more information on how you can start your own orgainc garden or atleast find out which foods are not genetically modified, simply follow tis link:
Organic Garden Seeds |