The Problems with Fad-Based Weight Loss Menus

Take a good look at most of the weight loss menus that are in vogue at any given time and you will quickly notice that a majority of them are deficient in so many ways.  Whether it is the protein based diet that suggests you should eliminate entire, highly essential dietary groups, or those that suggest you can eat commercially prepared sandwiches every meal, none seem to have a good grasp of nutrition.

The truth is that you can, and many people do, lose weight on these fad diets.  The catch is that they lose weight at the price of their health, all too often.  You can't simply give up carbohydrates, wholesale.

You body needs them to perform essential functions such as provide you with the energy you require to perform any and all functions.  They also protect your muscles by preventing the need to scavenge muscle tissue for energy, they may help lower your blood pressure and they are the only source of needed fiber.

Let's look at the nutrients your body needs.


Any valid diet will recognize the need for protein.  Protein builds muscles that are essential for fat burning.  Protein also builds your hair and nails, much of your bones, nerves, blood and a variety of enzymes that perform numerous essential functions every day.  They are the source of nearly every new cell in your body and transmit messages from nerve to nerve.  You can't live without protein, so if you consistently have a deficiency, your body will automatically start to harvest protein internally.


Yes, your body needs fats.  Even if you are carrying plenty of extra fat around your middle, you still need to provide your body with the right fats to ensure good nervous function and more.  A special fat-based substance called myelin coats your nerves, allowing them to transmit signals faster.  The right fats encourage the liver to burn fat for energy.  Additionally, certain fats have been proven to improve heart health.  It is all a matter of moderation.  The majority of fats you ingest should be unsaturated.

Vitamins and Minerals

Eating good food also ensures that you get a reasonable quantity of essential vitamins and minerals.  Calcium, for example is needed for muscle function, bone growth, healthy teeth and more.  Vitamin A is great for eyesight, while Bs help your body maintain healthy energy levels and nerve function.  If your diet is incomplete, you can bet you aren't getting the nutrients you need.

What Diet Plan is Best?

No matter what weight loss menus you finally adopt, focus on healthy, natural ingredients.  You want to achieve a balance.  Organically grown produce, eggs and poultry are better for you in so many ways.  Meats should be grass fed, not lot animals.  Fish are best when wild caught, not farmed.  Raw milk products and raw nuts are healthier than those commercially produced.  Whole grains rather than refined ones should be on your plate.

Create a menu you can live with--one that will provide you with energy and nutrition and tastes great as well.