Tinnitus In The Ear - Common Causes of Ear Tinnitus

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A lot of victims of tinnitus might really have another illness that is causing their tinnitus. There is no cure for tinnitus at the present date, but there are ways to alleviate the symptoms once you identify the real cause of your tinnitus. There are many different things that can contribute to or cause tinnitus.Tinnitus In The Ear

There is the aging process, which causes our bodies to deteriorate over time, this includes our ears also. This hearing cell deterioration can be the cause of many people's tinnitus. For these older people, the use of a hearing aid can greatly reduce the tinnitus symptoms. The tinnitus noises will be decreased when you increase the sounds around you. Consult with your physician about the treatments that are available for older people.

Another main cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises for prolonged time periods. This can be machinery, loud music, fireworks, and gunfire. Extreme exposure will cause your tinnitus to be permanent, while noises such as fireworks will cause temporary tinnitus. If you must work around loud noise everyday, you need to wear earplugs to protect your hearing.

There are also many medical illnesses that cause tinnitus too. The main medical condition that causes tinnitus is having high blood pressure. Ear infection is the next most common cause of this condition. Having excess earwax buildup is another common cause also. If you start hearing any noises that nobody else can hear, you need to go see your doctor. Finding out the root cause of your tinnitus can not only alleviate or cure your tinnitus, but may also stop a serious medical condition that may be causing it. /?080710" Tinnitus In The Ear

There are rare instances when tinnitus is caused by a tumor or an aneurysm. Another rare disease that causes this condition is Meniere's disease. Meniere's disease causes the flow of inner ear fluids to become interrupted. It usually only affects one ear, but can occur in both. Tinnitus is then a side effect of the disease and can strike women and men both that are between the ages of 20 to 50. The noises of tinnitus may also be associated with vertigo and dizziness, when you are afflicted with Meniere's disease.

The medicines that you take can be a cause of tinnitus, and there are over 200 medicines that can cause this condition. These can be over the counter medicines such as aspirin, or prescribed medicines such as antibiotics.

Keeping yourself healthy can alleviate tinnitus a lot of the time. You need to eat a balanced health diet daily, getting plenty restful sleep, and reduce your stress. All of the above can cause tinnitus, if they are not done correctly. Tinnitus symptoms themselves can be very stressful, and can cause other underlying medical conditions to get much worse.

The most important thing you can do to get rid of these problems, is by staying healthy. If you don't, you will be at high risk for having permanent tinnitus. Identifying the cause of your tinnitus is the first and most important step in getting rid of your tinnitus. /?080710" Tinnitus In The Ear