Tinnitus Is Killing Me - Three Surprisingly Simple Herbal Remedies to Cure Tinnitus Naturally and Easily

/?080710" Tinnitus Is Killing Me

Your doctor has no doubt tried everything on your sinus problems. By now, you may even feel like you're his personal experiment. I know I did on my far-too-many-to count visits to my physician. I'm sure he got tired of seeing me in his office.Tinnitus Is Killing Me

But it wasn't until I discovered the amazing power of herbs that I finally was able to break the cycle of office visits. I suspect his family misses the income my visits provided to their lifestyle. But I'm enjoying a quality of life that I never really knew existed.

Want to join me in living free of sinus infections? Start with by investigating these three herbs first. You too may need to visit your medical doctor far less.

Some sinus problems -- and perhaps yours -- are caused by either a bacterial or fungal infection. Enter the natural herbal remedy, olive leaf extract.

Yes, I know it doesn't sound like it should be an effective remedy, but don't just a book by its cover -- or an herbal remedy by its name.

This is a very effective therapy, as naturopath Dr. Donald Gay of Ontario explains. Olive leaf extract is so dynamic at doing its job that you can feel sinus relief in less than a month, simply by adding it to your supplement regimen.

And he should know. He personally suffered from chronic sinus problems for a decade -- 10 long, painful, stuffy years. After taking this natural remedy for only three and a half weeks, he said his sinus problems were gone! /?080710" Tinnitus Is Killing Me

Another useful herbal remedy is goldenseal. Like olive leaf extract, goldenseal is effective at killing off the root cause of your sinus problems -- especially if the cause is a bacterial or fungal infection.

Ginseng. You've heard of this herb, no doubt. People have been using it for years to help boost energy levels -- and have been having great success with it.

Now you have another reason to take it. Yep, your sinus problems. The advantage of ginseng is that it works wonders on your system on two distinct levels.

First, it helps to relieve sinus conditions. But it also works to boost your adrenal glands. You'll recall we mentioned these tiny glands in the last chapter. They are responsible for fighting fatigue -- among being charged with a host of other tasks.

Supplementing your system with ginseng gives your adrenal glands a powerful boost. Not only will your stamina and energy return (fighting sinus problems really is draining!), but it also helps to diminish the symptoms of what many call "brain fog."

One note of caution here, though. If you have a history of high blood pressure, consult your physician before using this herb. /?080710" Tinnitus Is Killing Me