Natural Solutions For Migraines

All headaches are not created equal. Some headaches are mild migraines or can be full-blown migraines. Besides the throbbing pain in your head, with a migraine you may experience neurological symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, numbness (particularly of the face, neck), sensitivity to light and sound, and aura (particularly visual aura where vision is distorted or blurred). Migraines affect your ability to function and can be totally incapacitating. It can lead to an emergency room visit or to the doctor's office which will result in medical intervention in the form of chemical injections or strong prescription drugs.

I have a great deal of personal experience having lived with a migraine sufferer for 25 years. I've had to walk on eggshells, be quiet, sit in the dark, and cancel many family events, all due to migraines. I have sat in the doctor's office and emergency rooms, hoping this or that drug would stop his head from hurting and praying that it would not stop his heart. Forget about the long term side effects, we just had to get through the moment…the day. But when relief came, we sanely and more reasonably discussed the need for a more natural, safe solution. We could not go on like this.

Over the course of that 25 years, we tried just about every over-the-counter medication. You wouldn't want to see the list of drugs on the market that were prescribed. Nothing proved to eliminate the migraines. We so desired a natural migraine solution that would prevent them from coming back. The stronger drugs helped for the moment; however, we continually worried about the harsh side affects that were most unpleasant. Would we ever be well enough to enjoy life again? It was extremely depressing.

After much research, we discovered that natural solution. We learned, first and foremost, that proper nutrition was a root cause of migraines. Proper nutrition is about what you consume as well as what you do not consume…in other words, what is lacking in your daily nutrition. Now I am not talking about the "Food Pyramid" per say because there are some misconception therein. Our food supply today does not adequately provide all the nutrition: i.e. vitamins and minerals that our body needs. When we consume chemical and preservatives, etc., this results in toxic build-up in our bodies, which with the added chemicals in prescription drugs…without question…leaves our bodies depleted of nutrition, and consequently leads to the headaches and migraines that many suffer (along with other health complications). There may be other environmental factors as well, but there is no substitute for proper nutrition. Therefore, the solution lies in nutritional supplementation. So what if you could, in addition to eating healthier, readily obtain and consume a healthy dose of liquid vitamins & minerals, antioxidants (which go to work to repair body cells), and restore lost nutrients…while at the same time reducing your headaches or eliminating your migraines? Wouldn't that be the natural migraine solution ? A solution which is scientifically-proven, patented, and gives you the peace, strength, and serenity for life without prescription drugs or therapy. Migraine sufferers need to change their nutritional habits and learn about this natural solution.