To Detox or not to Detox; is There an Answer?

Medical research seems to suggest that there is no evidence that detox diets help us loose weight or become healthier.waste.  In fact our livers and skin are finely tuned organs that are constantly detoxing our bodies and need no extra help.

Generally I am an advocate of “everything in moderation”.  As long as we don’t over indulge for too long, our bodies are capable of “detoxing” themselves.  In the same breath, I will also add that I don’t think it does us any harm to cut back a little, either.   Over the Christmas and New Year period, I probably drank a bit too much alcohol and coffee, ate too many carbohydrates and drank a little less water than usual.   Just for one or two weeks I shall be following a regime of plain organic food and drinks, just to kick start my body into 2009.  I have listed below what I will be eating during this period.

On waking:  A cup of hot water with a slice of lemon in it or peppermint tea.

Breakfast:  Organic porridge made with organic soya milk.   To this I will add berries, a drizzle of maple syrup and ground linseed, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Lunch:  Homemade leek and lentil soup with a wheat free crisp bread and organic peanut butter with a raw salad.

Supper:  Grilled fish/chicken with plenty of fresh vegetables.

Before bed:  A cup of hot water with a slice of lemon in it or peppermint tea.

I will also drink two cups of green or white tea (organic of course) and at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

For snacks mid morning and afternoon, I will have either hummus dip with raw carrots and celery or a small handful of unsalted nuts and dried fruit.

I will be avoiding, coffee, alcohol, processed food, dairy products, wheat, shellfish and red meat.  I will try and use organic products where possible.

This may sound strict and boring, but I will never feel hungry and usually by about day 2, the coffee cravings have worn off!

There is no magic formula or miracle food included in the above.  It is just a case of eating simple, natural, organic food.

In the passed when I have cut out all stimulants, I have found my skin to be clearer, I sleep better and I usually loose about 6lbs in weight.

At the end of two weeks, I gradually introduce foods I have avoided but still try and keep high GI carbohydrates, coffee and alcohol to a minimum.

As you can see, none of the above is specialist food or difficult to buy or maintain.  Organic food is usually more expensive but the above regime can be followed without using organic products.  The benefits may not be quite so great but you will still feel healthier by the end of two weeks.