For some, constipation can be a serious malady. Constipation describes any irregular or non-existent bowel movements. For many years, people have believed that the normal frequency of bowel movements should be once per day – but this is not always the case. There is no pattern of bowel movements that fits everyone – each individual body has different needs. For some people, it may be normal to have a bowel movement 2-3 times per day – for others the normal pattern is 2-3 times per week.

So how do you know if you are constipated, or if your body is simply carrying on it’s normal function? The signs of constipation include bloating, discomfort, and stools that are hard, dry, and lumpy and are usually hard to pass. For most of your life, you have probably been inundated with ads for laxatives. Laxatives, however, are not always the answer. These ads often refer to “once a day” as the norm for everyone – however, if your normal frequency is naturally less than this, you should not try to force your body to defecate more frequently.

The main risk with laxatives is that once you begin taking it once a day to force your body to defecate, your body can become dependent on the laxatives and your system will be more likely to get off-balance. So, you should check with your physician before beginning a regular regimen of laxatives – and you should also take into account, not only the frequency of your bowel movement, but also the factors listed above.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Before the world was filled with so many medications, people relieved the symptoms of constipation in more natural ways.

Home remedies for constipationcan include the following: