Reduce Freckles in the Kitchen

Your kitchen may be the best place to turn to if you are troubled by freckles. Check out your fridge and see how some foods and drinks may help reduce them.

Let’s start with one of the best homemade remedies for freckles - lemon juice. It is said to be very beneficial for freckles. Apply lemon juice with your fingers on the affected areas to bleach dark skin spots.

Use parsley juice mixed with orange juice or lemon juice on your skin before applying your favorite facial cream to make freckles less visible.

Horseradish juice or oatmeal dabbed on the affected areas can also reduce the appearance of freckles.

Wash your face with sour milk. Lactic acid promotes gentle peeling of the skin and can reduce irritation and dryness.

Sour cream is also good for freckles. Apply to your face and don’t rinse it off. Gently wipe off the solution with a soft tissue paper and top it with a trusted moisturizer.

Grind some yellow mustard in mill and apply on the face overnight. Wash your face with tap water the next morning and you’re on your way to freckle - free skin.

Here’s a sweet way to reduce freckles. Mix warm honey with a little wheat germ and apply on the face. After the application, tap your face gently with your fingers. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. You can also dissolve sugar in lemon juice and gently apply this on the freckled area with a face brush.

Not good enough for you? Try mixing turmeric with equal quantities of seed. Grind them to a paste and apply on the face. Onions are also said to be good for freckles. Slice red onions and rub one on the spots twice a day for at least 10 days. Buttermilk is said to be effective too.

Don’t forget to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to the skin. Use a good quality sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

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