Health Benefits of Acai: Top 4

Acai Berries have been really hot in the news. This is because the health benefits of the acai berry are simply astounding. First of all a short introduction about the acai berry fruit. Acai is a natural product found in the Brazilian jungles. The inhabitants in those jungles have been using Acai for ages as an energy booster and as anhealthy foodagainst the most common diseases such as cancer and heart attacks.

I will shortly list the top 4 health benefits of acai.

1.Fights cancer and heart diseases.

2.Lowers the blood pressure

3.Reduces the aging process. (Works as an anti-aging product)

4.Helps you lose weight.

You may think how does acai get all those incredible benefits? Well most benefits  are because the acai fruit has many anti-oxidants, omega  fats(this fat helps you lose weight) and vitamins. All these ingredients make the acai fruit one of the healthiest fruits. I will shortly describe how every ingredient benefits your health.

Anti-oxidants: An anti-oxidant slows the oxidation process. Oxidation is responsible for causing damage to our cells, which can lead to cancer and coronary heart disease. This is how acaifights cancer and heart diseases, because of the high amount of anti-oxidants.

Omega fats: Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are ingredients of acai berry. These fats are not made by the human body itself, but are essential fats which the body needs. So they must come from fruits. Lack of omega fats can lead to skin rashes, reduced growth and increased risk of infections. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats also have their own function in the body: They help the brain function ,help with development of the body and they helpyou lose weight.

Vitamins: Acai is full of Vitamin C, D, E, B1, B2, B3. These vitamins helps us to strengthen our immune systems and protect us against common diseases.