Weight loss refers to the loss of total body mass in an effort to improve fitness and health, and to change the total appearance of the body. Weigh loss can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. Sometimes it happens when an individual is in a state of negative energy balance. Weight loss occurs when the body is consuming more energy, than it is gaining. Gradually the body will face the weight lose stage and use the stored reserves from fat or muscle, leading to weight loss.
The term overweight is generally defined as having more body fat. Overweight is a global phenomena, with excess weight has reached epidemic proportions, with more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese. The weight increases have been observed across all age groups. A minimum amount of fat is needed a healthy body for the proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems. But the accumulation of too much storage of fat can impair movement and flexibility. It significantly increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure; cancer. The list seems to be almost endless. It is an additional risk for an overweight person to undergo surgery once he/she gets illness.
There are several causes for overweight. Some are listed below;
An Inactive Lifestyle
Genes and Family History
Health Conditions
Lack of Sleep
According to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of obesity in children in the US has tripled since 1980, boosting rates of sleep apnea, diabetes and heart disease. Now, surgery is advised as an option for some adolescents with Type-2 diabetes, who have failed conventional weight-loss programs for fast weight loss. In 2009, 220,000 people in the U.S. underwent weight-loss surgery, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, a Gainesville, Florida-based organization of doctors who perform the procedures.
Lot of weight loss products are available in the market with promise to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper, more reliable, or less painful. These include books, CD s, lotions, pills, rings and earrings, body wraps, body belts and other materials, not to mention fitness centers, personal coaches, weight loss groups, and food products and supplements. It is estimated that approximately $33 billion and $55 billion is spent annually on weight loss products and services as part of quick weight loss program, including medical procedures and pharmaceuticals, with weight loss centers garnering between 6 percent and 12 percent of total annual expenditure.
Here's another safe approach to weight loss. One need not go for diet to lose the weight. This is based on the principle that hormones play an important role in body weight. Every time we eat something two types of hormones are released into your bloodstream. These hormones control fat burning and fat storage. There are diets which manipulate these hormones, and after each meal your body will produce a greater quantity of fat burning hormones while fat storing hormones are minimized as much as possible. Each day your body will be given different types of calories to lose weight faster which confuse your metabolism and forces faster fat loss to happen.
‘Fat loss 4 idiots' offers solutions to reduce body fat within 11 days without dieting, without exercise. It does not require any surgery, and is an effective way of weight loss. If you are interested in this unique weight loss program then download the details at .
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