How to Implement Healthy Meal Plans Using Natural Foods that Taste Good, Too

Regardless of what you may have read in some weight loss book, no food type should be eliminated from your diet wholesale.  Completely eliminating carbs, protein, fat or anything else is not only strange, it is potentially harmful. +Truly+Healthy+Meal+Plans+Are+not+Boring" Healthy meal plans take into account that certain people do better eating specific foods, but don't offer generalizations, and they never suggest that eliminating, say, carbohydrates, is a good choice.

Adapting your Eating
Once you have taken a metabolic type assessment, it is important to use that knowledge to adapt your eating.  Say you find out you are a protein type.  That would explain why you crash and burn so fast after a meal that consists of a lot of carbs, even healthy ones.  Worse, you may feel hungry as soon as you finish.  That's a depressing experience.

Instead of swearing off carbs, pick foods that have a low glycemic index and make sure that you have a decent amount of protein along with your healthy carb.  Something like ½ a cup of brown rice with a nice steak and some winter squash pureed with a tablespoon of organic butter is a perfect dinner.  It provides great nutrition, plenty of protein to keep your energy levels up and gives you the carbs you need without causing you to crash.

Other Changes to your Diet
We have blithely incorporated so many chemicals into our daily lives.  Things like artificial sweeteners have no calories because our bodies don't recognize them as food.  If your body doesn't recognize it, you may as well consider it toxic.  Toxins, even those that pretend to be food, are not good for you.  They cause the body to focus on removal rather than processing good food effectively.

Organics are better for you than commercial-grown foods.  They are, however, expensive, and that makes them difficult to swallow – when the budget is drawn up.  If you can't afford to purchase all your food organically, then start with foods that have the highest levels of pesticides.

Strawberries, spinach, grapes, pears or peppers are usually eaten as is, but even after washing they retain a great deal of residue.  Produce that has a thick skin such as grapefruits, pineapples, or watermelon, and crops such as cabbage, onions or broccoli, are less likely to have much pesticide residue and are safer to purchase commercially grown.

Get the White Out of Your Diet Plan
No matter what else you do when you are creating healthy meal plans, try to get the white out.  This means get rid of sugar, homogenized milk products, wheat, white potatoes and other white foods.

These are very low in nutrients and are most likely to cause an insulin reaction when consumed.  Just eliminating these few foods will make you feel better and help you control the ups and downs in your blood sugar levels.

Creating healthy meal plans that are tailored to your metabolic type and fit your budget requires a bit of effort.  The results, both in terms of how you feel and in how you look, are well worth developing a healthy meal plan fit to your individual needs.