How to Get Rid of hemorrhoids and the Irritation and Burning

Piles also known as hemorrhoids are painful swollen veins that are located in the rectum or anus area of the human body. Piles are also referred as rectal lump or lump in the rectum.

The condition of piles or hemorrhoids is common especially for women during pregnancy of after giving birth. This is because of the increased pressure within the veins if the anus that is brought on from pregnancy. The added pressure provokes the veins to bulge or swell which in return is painful mostly while sitting.

The major cause of piles or hemorrhoids is due to straining during bowel movements. This simple procedure if rushed or forced can have some painful effects. Constipation, sitting for long periods of time or an anal infection is also known to be cause of piles.

Understand that there are internal and external piles / hemorrhoids. Internal piles are located just in the anus and usually are not painful. Many times a person is not even aware that they have internal piles. External piles / hemorrhoids are visible, commonly located lust outside of the anal opening they appear as large lumps and are related with pain, itching, burning sensations. They may bleed as well which along with the pain and discomfort is also embarrassing.

Here are some of the more common symptoms of piles / hemorrhoids.

Anal itching

Anal pain

Pain while sitting

Bright red blood with the anal area

Painful bowel movements

Lump near the anus

As mentioned earlier pile / hemorrhoids are common especially with people over the age of 50. If you believe you have hemorrhoids and you have the symptoms listed above then you need to take action to rid them. You can visit your doctor and confirm your condition but unless your condition is severe you should be able to treat your piles / hemorrhoids condition yourself within the privacy of your own home.

Again as long as your condition is not severe and by severe I mean you notice considerable large amounts of not the normal red blood color but black or maroon colored blood. Also if your experience high levels of pain then you really should see a doctor right away. But if you have normal symptom then make it easy on yourself and begin a home treatment program.

There are many home treatments available and there is much more to them than just applying ointment to your anus area. Natural food diet and lifestyle change will probably have to be made that all depends on your current diet and daily activities. I recommend that you take a look at some of the natural home treatments available not only will you save time and money but you avoid the embarrassment as well.