Lemon Juice Detox

The Lemon Juice Detox is normally called the Master Cleanse, Lemonade diet, Maple Syrup Diet or the Lemon Detox Diet. In commercial stores it is known as Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Drink. This detox diet has taken the detox world by storm mainly due to heavy exposure on US and UK TV. The Lemon Juice Detox has also been adopted by many well known stars which have also propelled its popularity.

So what is the lemon juice detox? Well in simple terms it a just a lemon and maple syrup based drink that you take in place of normal meals. You should drink the formula 6 or 7 times a day and abstain from all form of other foods. Each evening you should also drink a salt solution.  You should also drink water throughout the day. The lemon juice detox plan should last around 7 to 10 days.

Before even thinking about starting any diet or detox plan you should always consult your doctor. The lemon juice detox is a very harsh diet and will give your body quite a shock no matter how fit and healthy you are. Most who try the diet fail to keep to the plan for more than 48 hours mainly due to poor preparation. Research suggests that over 80% of those who try the lemon juice detox fail.

The lemon juice detox is available commercially online and in health stores but as the recipe is basic it can be made quickly and cheaply at home.

Although many think the lemon juice detox is a new concept it has actually been around for over 50 years although it has not been widely practised in the western world until the last few years. The dietary experts are divided regarding the long term benefit of this detox plan.