Is Exercising Your Best Weight Loss Solution?

Local Gym's and Fitness Centers get lots of business each year without having to twist peoples arm's to join. The reason for this is because obesity is an epidemic in our society and people have finally caught on that being overweight isn't a joke, it's something that can not only endanger your health but could kill you as well. Hundreds of thousands of people pass away every single year just because they are carrying too much weight, and die because of some factor relating to this.

Nutritionists recommend a certain Body Mass Index aka BMI. If you have a BMI over what they recommend you are considered over weight. If you do a search on the internet for BMI you'll be able to study what a good and bad BMI is. If you fatigue too easily, have trouble sleeping, don't feel very good about yourself and are at risk of getting a heart attack or stroke, chances are you are overweight. And in society they portray the skinny models with ripped abs as being the ideal person in our culture. Some of the most popular actors in their prime are also in the best shape of their lives.

The great news is if you are stuck in the overweight cycle, there are things you can do for yourself right now to change this, and it won't cost you a fortune to do this. The first thing you need to start doing for yourself is exercising. If you're lazy, sit around all day, watch TV, drink beer and eat pizza chances are you'll start packing on pounds. You need to make your body physically exert itself. Most people would rather hop in their car and take a drive than just walking to their destination. For every 2 americans one is a car owner, so this shows you we live in a society built around convenience and not one around improving our health.

We also live in a society where fast food is accepted and considered the norm, as well as shop in grocery stores where over 50% of the stock is total junk food. Our minds have been conditioned by the junk food and fast food mafia and the media that this is okay. But once you get overweight, you're not accepted as well by your co-workers who may think you're just plain lazy so it's a catch 22. The best thing you can do is get a local gym membership. However if you can't afford one try saving up for a free weight set and start doing the most basic exercises like Bench Presses, Military Presses, Curls and Squats. Also start eating more veggies and start walking around the block more.

Doing all this will not only curb your appetite, but you get more energy by creating more energy. The more energy you create for yourself the more you'll have. So the more you start exercising the more you'll want to exercise, then everything will start to fall into place for yourself. Remember the golden rule for dieting which is, Eat More Greens, eat less, move more. If you do this you can avoid costly diet plans like Jenny Craig.