Acne Laser Treatment

Anyone who suffers acne probably knows that is basically hormonal and not always easily overcome, despite the many advertisements to the contrary. If you suffer from acne and have tried dietary alterations and all sorts of creams and lotions to little or no avail, you may be tempted to undergo laser treatment.

Acne laser therapy will not usually cure acne for good but it does provide in most cases considerable relief and a rapid reduction in the number of active spots. This improvement will usually last for up to three months, or even longer. Laser treatment is not suitable for aggressive cystic acne, which will usually need targeted drug treatment.

Acne is a disorder of the skin follicles which are stimulated to produce excessive amounts of oil. Pores tend to get blocked and the follicles often become infected with the bacterium P. Acnes, forming unsightly spots.

Laser treatment gently heats the surface layers of the skin and it is believed, kills the active bacteria, and promotes blood flow to speed up and encourage healing. It seems to reduce the redness and extent of inflammation, and helps remove the marks from scarring. Results can vary widely, and it can take three or four treatments before noticeable results are seen.

Scarring can occur from repeated bouts of acne over a long period of time, and can result in a thickening up of the skin, or sometimes due to a loss of tissue. Differing techniques or combinations of techniques may be required to get the best results in such cases, and it is important to get specialist attention.

Acne Laser therapy has helped many people with severe acne which seemed intractable and didn't respond to other treatments, and there are a lot of testimonials to this effect. It can be quite expensive though, as more than one session is normally required. Quite often treatment has to be repeated over several months in order to see results.

As you can see, there are a few things you need to consider before following through with an acne laser treatment.  Ask yourself if you are comfortable with the general procedure, the side effects, and of course, the cost.  Talk to your dermatologist and be sure to ask any questions you may have before committing to such a procedure, and be prepared to be patient. There is no quick and easy magical cure for severe chronic acne.