Calorie Shifting Techniques Make Any Bog Standard Low Calorie Diet Into a Fat Burning Miracle

Calorie Shifting techniques

Fact most low calorie diets don’t work because of the bodies in built survival mechanism which compels the body to adjust to famine conditions – real or manufactured.

The simple theory of weight If your calorie intake is < energy output your body will be forced to burn stored fat to make up the deficient.

Thus the low calorie diet is born. Unfortunately there is one fatal flaw in this theory.

After a few days on a low calorie diet your body start thinking famine. Once it’s in famine it takes emergency measures to protect itself by matching energy output with calorie intake.

After a few days on a low calorie diet your body slows your metabolism reducing energy output and trigger food craving just to make sure your doing what ever it take to secure every available calorie.

Even if you fight off the food cravings weight loss will begin to slow and then stop as the body adjusts to new intake levels.

All this will make you feel pretty crappy your energy levels with be low and your enthusiasm waning. Constant fatigue makes exercise a mere fantasy. Within a couple of weeks you give up and give in your cravings.

Depression and self pity kick in and you go on a food binge your body starts laying fat like crazy, its hoarding calories now to protect itself against future famines. Soon you’re heavier than when you started

If this sound familiar don’t worry with the revolutionary calorie shifting method or body shock technique pioneered by the weight loss control centre's best selling "Fat Loss for Idiots" can change everything.

This is where calorie shifting comes in.

Calorie shifting works like this.

Take any reasonably sound low calorie diet that can be sustained over a period of time
Calculate the total recommended calorie intake for an 11 day cycle.

For example 1500* calories x 11 == 16500 calories.
*This number will vary from person to person

You then eat a different amount of calories everyday but reaching the total of 16500 on the last day.  For example

Day 1 1000 calories total 1000

Day 2 2000 calories total 3000

Day 3 1500 calories total 4500

Day 4 500 calories total 5000

Day 5 2000 calories total 7000

Day 6 1000 calories total 8000

I am sure you get the idea.

Faced with this seesawing calorific intake your body won’t know if it’s coming or going whether it’s feast or famine. This will prevent any of the normal problems associated with low calorie diets.

Combined with all the usual metabolism boosting tricks like exercising, having smaller more frequent meals, and high metabolism  foods this technique is one of the best weight loss programs available.

You can start today with the information here or find out more get your diet generator and cycle
calculator at Fat loss for idiots . If you would like to check it out indepth  go to the FatLoss for idiots review at