The Side Effects of Acai Berry

Unlike synthesized chemical medications, acai berries are all natural, and as such, do not have many of the side effects one risks with medication. Acai berries are very safe and actually have a lot of great health benefits, in addition to being very good at cleaning out and detoxing the body. They also help promote weight loss.

Studies have never shown any negative side effects from using the acai berry, be it as a tasty gourmet treat or a useful dietary supplement. It is known to suppress your appetite and increase your metabolism if taken in high enough concentrations or big enough amounts, but this is not exactly a negative effect.

The really wonderful thing about acai is that people who want to lose weight have found if you eat or drink the fruit, it is easier to follow the rest of your diet. A lot of people are seeking something to help curb the appetite, and acai berries can do that without a lot of strange side effects, unlike many commercial diet pills on the market today. Additionally, consuming acai does not damage your heart or your liver or anything else that is often put at risk by overmedication.
Acai is best known for its high count of antioxidants, and is able to boast more antioxidants even than blueberries, the previous antioxidant champion up until this point. Antioxidants are wonderful for giving your daily energy levels a boost throughout the day and they are thought to aid in the battle against cancer and diabetes. Antioxidants improve your brain function, they help reduce inflammation and help increase your circulation while also doing a lot of other wonderful things for the body.

Acai berries are also full of fiber. Fiber helps clear out your digestive tract and detoxify your body, helping you feel more energetic and lose more weight. The more efficiently your body can digest your food, the healthier you are. The faster food moves through your intestines, the less time your body has to absorb fat and toxins from it, keeping you healthier. Fiber is also useful for filling your stomach space, thus sending the ‘I’m full’ message to your brain and suppressing your appetite.

Acai is chock full of essential fatty acids, a vital supplement for a healthy body. Being deficient in EFAs can trigger cravings so if you are trying to lose weight, it is especially important to get enough.

Acai is also full of phytosterols, which are the building blocks for intestinal cell membranes.  These help your digestive system to run more cleanly and efficiently. As with fiber, the more efficient these systems, the less fat you absorb from your food.

Research has shown the only real negative side effects from overdosing on acai berries is the chance of loose stools and an acidic taste in the mouth, which are the same side effects of an excess of vitamin C. Did I mention acai is full of vitamin C? It is possible to have too much of a good thing, and an all acai all the time diet would probably be unwise, but supplementing your normal diet with this miracle berry should not cause any trouble.

If you decide to begin on an acai regimen or add acai into your daily routine, you must always be aware of the quality of produce you are ordering. Some processed sources do not actually have very much acai in their products, and sometimes those filler ingredients actually might negative side effects. Always do your research each time you put something new into your body.