Diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of ulcer. The diet should be so arranged as to provide adequate nutrition to afford rest to the disturbed organs, to maintain continuous neutralization of the gastric acid, to inhibit the production of acid and to reduce mechanical and chemical irritation. Milk. cream, butter, fruits and fresh, raw and boiled vegetables, natural foods and natural vitamin supplements are the best diet for an ulcer patient.

Peptic ulcer disease is a constitutional disease that finds its local expression at the level of the digestive system. Being a constitutional disorder, it calls for constitutional approach towards treatment. Homoeopathic approach towards the management of Peptic ulcer disease involves the evaluation of the complaint in details while taking into account individual factors such as one’s personal and family history while planning a long-term treatment. Since the treatment targets the root cause, Homeopathy offers long-term cure instead of temporary relief. It treats at a deeper level of immunity and enhances the healing capacity of the body. Homeopathy can also help to prevent complications of Peptic ulcers.

Raw vegetables juices, particularly carrot and cabbage juices are beneficial in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Carrot juice may be taken either alone or in combination with spinach or beet and cucumber. The formula proportions in case of the first combination are 300 ml. of carrots and 200 ml. of spinach, and in case of the second combination, 300 ml. of carrots and three ounces each of beets and cucumbers to make half a litre of iuice.

Certain foods definitely do not agree in cases of gastric complaints and should be completely eliminated. These include fried and greasy foods which are always difficult to digest and require very efficient stomach and liver action; flesh foods which require a high amount of acid in the stomach for their digestion and acid causes more pain and flatulence in the sensitive stomach; condiments, preserves and sugar which are stomach irritants; and tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol which create an acid reaction in the stomach.

Daily massages and deep breathing exercises also help. Above all, the patient must try to rid himself of worries and stay cheerful. He should also cultivate regularity in his habit be it work, exercise or rest. Asanas which are beneficial in the treatment of hyperacidity and ulcers are vajrasana, uttanpadasana, pavanarnuktasana, bhujangasana, paschimottanasana. Yogic kriyas like Jalneti and pranayamas tike anuloma-viloma, shitali and sitkari are also beneficial.

The medications may include one or more of the following:
· Antibiotics to kill Helicobacter pylori
· Acid blockers (like cimetidine, ranitidine, or famotidine)
· Proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole)
· Medications that protect the tissue lining (like sucralfate)

Choice of treatment depends on whether the ulcer is caused by infection with H pylori. Correct diagnosis is key to whether a treatment works or not. If the bacteria are the cause, treatment focuses on killing the infection. Regardless of whether the bacteria are the cause, reducing acid in the stomach is another important focus of treatment.
It is important that your health care provider check with you during your treatment to make sure that your ulcer is healing.