Dietary Changes That Can Help You Deal With Water Retention

There are times when women feel bloated and swollen all over. One of the main reasons why people suffer from water retention is due to foods that are high in sodium. Junk foods, salty dishes and fastfood diet are usually high in sodium and can make your body retain water and feel a little bloated, especially on the tummy area and the extremities.

The other reasons why people experience water retention include standing for extended periods, hot weather, adverse effects of some drugs and medications, serious illnesses and hormonal imbalance for women. It is important to note that if you are suffering from edema (or fluid retention) for a long time already and you are also experiencing other symptoms, you need to visit your doctor immediately. The swelling of your arms, legs or feet can be signs that you may be suffering from serious health conditions, which may involve major internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, lymphatic system and even the liver.

Whatever the reason behind your water retention problems is, it is best to put in some changes in your diet to help minimize your bloating or to completely eradicate the problem. Below are some tips that will help you in determining what to eat and not eat when you feel bloated.

Avoid Processed Foods

As mentioned earlier, sodium is the number one culprit of water retention. If you want to get rid of bloating, you better reduce your salt intake. Since processed foods are full of sodium, as stated in their labels, you need to stay away from them as much as possible. If you really have to consume processed stuff, just make sure that you choose the ones that explicitly say they are low in sodium.

Guzzle Up

Ironically, people who are dehydrated can also suffer from fluid retention. If you are the type of person who does not drink enough water, you better start gobbling up more H2O. At least 8 glasses of water a day is ideal for most of us. However, if you are in a place that is warm or if you work out everyday, you should drink up a little bit more. Aside from water, good fluid choices are grapefruit juice, herbal teas and other fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Use Other Spices

Salt is not the only thing you can put on your food to make it taste better. In fact, there are many other spices that can not only improve the flavor of your food, but also provide nutritional benefits. Some of the alternative food enhancers you may want to try out are lemon, low-sodium chili sauce, onion, garlic, thyme, tarragon, rosemary, peppers, and many more. By the way, one herb that is known to contain diuretic properties is parsley.

Eat Fruits And Veggies

There are many fresh produce that have diuretic properties which can help eliminate excess water without disturbing the balance of electrolytes inside your body. Citrus fruits and melons are the best types of fruits that can help you with your water retention problems. What's more, these fruits also contain potassium, an important mineral your body needs.

You can actually never go wrong with vegetables because they are packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that help make you stronger and healthier. However, there are some veggies that you may want to consume more because they are good diuretics. Leafy greens, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, celery, onions, watercress and carrots are the best vegetables to eat for your water retention problem.

If you are suffering from water retention because of hormonal imbalance, you need to follow the diet plan above and also find supplements that can help remedy your hormonal problems. One supplement that will help ease water retention as well as assist in maintaining your hormones at normal levels is Expelis. For more information on how Expelis can help you, just visit