The link to your yeast infection or Candidiasis and cheese

The word “diet” isn't very fun. In fact, you may start to feel deprived just thinking of it. One very positive thing about the candida diet is that it is still possible to create delicious and satisfying meals with candida-friendly ingredients, even if you can't have your beloved hot fudge sundae and sugary breakfast cereals.

With ingredients like lean meats, fresh veggies, heart-healthy fats, low-sugar fruits and sugar-free dairy products, you can make meals the whole family will enjoy. However, it is important to keep in mind that some people may experience reactions to certain foods, while others may be able to include these foods in their candida-cleansing way of eating without problem. One food that causes reaction issues for some ischeese.

It is obvious that someone trying to remove yeast and fungus overgrowth from their system will want to avoid moldy cheeses, such as blue, Roquefort, and gorgonzola. These cheeses are actually aged and molded, so they need to be removed completely from your food list in order to experience success on the candida diet. Anything that adds yeast or fungus to your system should be avoided.

Other aged cheeses, including aged cheddar, parmesan and Romano, may also cause problems for some, but not all, candida sufferers. Because each body is unique, you may have to do a little trial and error to determine if these cheeses cause candida flare-ups in your system.

For the most part, it seems people struggling with candida are able to include some non-aged, non-moldy cheeses in their diets with little to no reactions. These cheeses include (but are not limited to) mozzarella, goat, rice, feta, and cream cheese.

Because cheese is one of the “controversial” foods in the candida diet, it makes sense to be aware of how your body reacts, and use the cheeses in moderation. Some people may experience that they simply cannot have cheese in their diet for reasons such as lactose intolerance or a similar sensitivity that negatively impacts their candida condition.

Do you have a cheese sensitivity or intolerance?

If you aren't seeing the results you hoped for with your candida diet, it makes sense to determine whether or not you are experiencing a reaction to a food remaining in your diet. Consider going on a detox fast or a cleanse for a few days to a week in order to rid your body of the offending food, and then gradually begin to add in questionable food items one at a time. Basic foods like lean meats, green veggies and healthy fats are unlikely to be causing problems, so focus on eating those as you slowly add back in other foods to identify the culprit.

You may have to go through some times of trial and error as you determine which foods are best for your unique body, but don't be afraid to try out a “controversial” food in your diet. While it may not work for some candida sufferers, you may find that you tolerate it well and that it can enhance your menus, making the candida diet much more enjoyable.