How To Select the Best Carbohydrates for Optimum Weight Reduction

Your objective for optimum weight reduction while remaining healthy is to eat carbohydrates that are as close as possible to the organic state. You should avoid carbohydrates that are processed or refined. These foods have very little nutritional value and have damaging effects on your body

The Food Pyramid

Among the most effective resources utilized for details utilized to decide the best foods to eat optimum weight loss and a healthy body is the Food Pyramid. Great sources of carbohydrates are identified at the base of the food pyramid. Recommended food groups identified at the bottom of the pyramid show that they are the base of a balanced nutrition. These foods are lower in calories, keep you full for a longer time and are abundant in fiber.

Advantages of Fiber Rich Foods

A significant portion of your every day allocation of food ought to consist of fiber. The only method to obtain fiber is to consume plant foods. There are several advantages to including a lot of fiber in your diet regime which include the following:

•    Foods high in fiber call for much more chewing so your brain has time to notify your stomach that you are full faster so that you consume less.

•    Fiber slows down the digestive progression which results in lengthier durations of fullness so you eat less decreasing caloric intake.

•    Fiber links to fatty deposits in the blood stream so reduces cholesterol and helps to avoid heart disease.

•    Fiber speeds up the passage of food through the colon so helps prevent particles from attaching to the sides that maintains a healthier colon.

Foods Rich in Fiber

The following is a partial listing of food items that are abundant in fiber and must be integrated into your daily diet for optimum health and weight loss.

•    Whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley

•    Raw or steamed vegetables

•    Nuts and seeds

•    Beans, peas and legumes

Drawbacks to Eating Refined Foods

According to Dr. Eldon Haas, Md in an article entitled "The Role of Sugars and Starches in Weight Gain", the greatest element in being overweight and obese is the high intake of processed flour and sugar products which are processed carbohydrates. These foods are found near the top of the food pyramid indicating that they have less nutritional value.

•    Processed foods are broken down rapidly so we get hungry faster

•    Processed foods are higher in saturated fat and sugars so add to weight gain

•    Refined grains raise your cholesterol leading to heart disease dangers

•    Contains high levels of salt which leads to water retention

Stay away from These Carbohydrates

Whatever you do, avoid carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. These foods have little or no nutritional value and include the following:

•    Pastries

•    White Rice

•    White Bread

•    Sugary Drinks

•    Potato Chips

Learn how to make the best choices of carbohydrates to reach your goal of maximum weight loss and the good health that follows.