Everyone has secrets, even beautiful, talented celebrities such as Kate Beckinsale. In a recent interview for a popular magazine, Kate admitted that she suffered from anorexia when she was a teenager. Now in her thirties, Kate looks great, and she admits that she now has a healthier body image. If you want to know more about Kate's weight loss and workout secrets, then continue reading below:


* The star revealed that when she was in her twenties, she didn't have a clue about healthy eating. For example, she ate baked potatoes for dinner. Many experts believe that eating carbohydrates should be cut down in the evening since it takes longer to digest and the carbohydrates are easily stored as fat. Since Kate didn't know this, she remembers feeling terrible after eating carbs for dinner.

Wising Up

* Kate, however, is glad that she found out about healthy eating and the portion control diet. Now, the star eats healthy foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Here's how her usual meal looks like:

* eggs, cereal, or oatmeal for breakfast

* a piece of chicken or a vegetable wrap or salad for lunch

* fish with vegetables for dinner

Since Kate also follows the Portion Control diet, she knows exactly how much food she needs to eat. She says that controlling your portion sizes isn't difficult, as long as you are determined and focused.

Her Guilty Secrets?

* The celeb loves cupcakes and other sweet treats. She believes that giving herself treats makes dieting easier. Of course, the diet she is following isn't as restrictive as other diets. As long as you eat controlled portions, you can actually eat just about anything!

* Kate also dislikes going to the gym, especially in public. She says she can never make working out a part of her daily routine. However, the actress also knows the importance of exercise. That's why she had her own gym built inside her garage to avoid working out in public. She works out at least four times a week, more if she needs it for a film role.

Tips from a Star

The beautiful star of the successful Underworld movies confesses that she has her good days and bad days, just like any other people. Her tip is to not let those bad days get to you by keeping your goal in mind. She also tells people not to let their body image obsess them so much. Kate's diet and workout routine allows her to eat normally and remain fit and healthy. Aiming to have a supermodel body is not bad in itself, but it can be difficult and frustrating. She suggests beginning with realistic goals first and working up from there.

Kate Beckinsale may have her secrets, but it just goes to show that she's normal just like any of us. If you want to be in great shape like her, then follow her tips and see the changes for yourself.