Learn how to eat- Learn how to live- suggestions on how to really help your diet

"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."

American Dietetic Association

We all know there literally THOUSANDS of programs to help people lose weight, gain weight, count point's, eat this but not that. BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Hey here's a good concept how about teaching people how to EAT! We all need to eat, we all LOVE to eat. There is no reason anyone should be deprived or should be left feeling guilty for indulging in a piece of their favorite chocolate cake or a nice juicy steak. I never understood these diets that limit you on what you should or shouldn't eat. This is a main reason LOTS of people fail on diets. They go on what I call "MASS ATTACKS" on the foods they love. Enough with all the obvious, Some people tell me "I know this already" but yet the statistics show the root cause to most major disease's are due to poor dietary habits. What I want to do is share information and tips with you that will show you how to not only manage your weight but help your overall well being while still enjoying the things you love to eat!

Everything in life is a balance. When things are unbalanced things tend to be out of whack. Like a seesaw that is heavier on one end, you get stuck up in the air. It is the same thing with your health and nutrition. When are bodies are unbalanced things go wrong. They have another word for this it's "DIS-EASE". The key is to get your body back at-ease by learning what that balance is. There are 144 essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals your body needs daily in order to be balanced. The United States Food and Drug administration has stated that "The average American diet is deficient of at least 2 essential nutrients and to get the MINIMUM daily requirements of proper nutrition, it takes between 2500-4000 calories from our current available food source. Is it any wonder why obesity is an epidemic?

So as you can see there is a serious imbalance. The sad thing is a lot of our foods that are supposed to be "healthy" are losing the nutrient value due to pollution, erosion of good soil, dramatic weather changes in certain climates which causes fruits and vegetables to be picked early, insecticides to fight insects, Again it's no wonder why there are 300, 000 senseless deaths each year due to nutrition. Sadly it seems the "health" system uses this as a market as they are quick to issue pills, prescriptions and surgeries as a cure. This only causes the imbalance in your body to get worse which causes more problems which are "cured" by MORE medications and on and on and on. All this just from eating a few happy meals? Our bodies, I believe, do not get enough credit for their natural abilities. Your body is designed for survival; it is in a constant state of defense, why?

Well it wants to live. Hoarding calories is your body's way of storing food for itself when it feels like it is not getting what it needs. It's constantly fighting off toxins and protecting itself from stress. So the point of all of this is this" Get your bodies nutritional needs in balance and your body will do the rest. "I like to call this "Leverage" because when you get that balance back in your everyday diet you can "leverage" your nutrition to lose or manage your weight, maximize proper nutrition and just feel better. It sounds simple huh? I hate to say it but it really is this simple. Get your body the nutrition it needs and it will take care of itself. Now how would you like to know how this balancing act works? Once again some people tell me a lot of what I just said is rehashed of what everyone else has always said (again I say so why are 300, 000 people dying each year due to nutritional based problems?)

Well let's go to the beginning of everything in our body.  What is the one thing everything in our body has in common with each other?  Cells.  We are all made up of trillions of cells. Skin, hair, heart, lungs, finger, toes all made up of trillions of little bitty cells. Those cells and the condition of those cells control everything we do. From running, to jumping, to thinking and growing our cells control everything. So knowing that it would probably mean if your cells were healthy you would be healthy right? If your cells felt good so would you right? You know what else happens when your cells feel good? You lose weight. When your cells are healthy they start moving around and causing friction. This is called thermogenics. Vitamins, nutrients and minerals make your cells healthy.

This not only helps your metabolic rate, but this helps assist your circulation, the delivery of oxygen to all your body parts, even the production of nitric oxide which helps keep your veins tone and helps prevent blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. You know what else does all these things to and you have it with you right this second. WATER. 6-8 glasses a day, it's the best natural way to keep you flushed and keep your cells hydrated and healthy. All the vitamins and nutrients you take in your body are delivered to your cells through your intestines. Your intestines are lines with little tiny finger like ridges called villi. Villi are like your gatekeepers.

Not only do they deliver nutrients to your cells, they help protect you from toxins, stress, pollutants and anything else that may not be good for your body. Proper nutrients also help keep your villi healthy as well. I work with people individually and in groups. A lot of the people I work with are diet specific, like diabetics, cancer patients, heart patients. It is harder for them through everyday food to get the nutrients they need so I help design specific programs through all natural supplements which are designed to feed the cells. I also work with everyday people as well who want to improve their health, manage their weight and want to learn how easy it really is. Here are some of the main points you should focus on to help improve your Nutrition:

* Protein- Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. It is an organic compound, composed of22 amino acids, otherwise known as the building blocks of life.

* Body composition snacking water - Drinking plenty of water is an important part of maintaining a healthy weight and a nutritious diet. Water plays an essential role in helping your body process nutrients, maintain normal circulation and keep the proper balance of fluids.

*Metabolism- The process in which not only burns calories, but helps with proper circulation, healthy energy levels and the delivering of oxygen to organs in your body. This is revved up through your intake of protein.

*Shopping Carbohydrates and shopping cellular nutrition- carbohydrates (e. g., sugary refined cereals, white breads, toasts, etc.)Cause an immediate surge of blood sugar levels, which results in the release of a substantial amount of insulin.

*Nutritional labels, fats portion control- One of the most important skills you can master is being able to read a food label in order to figure out exactly what you are getting from your foods.

*Digestive health- Digestive health can affect other areas of our health-weight, energy, skin and immunity-in ways we might never have imagined. It's important to understand the link between digestive health and overall wellness.

*Fiber- Fiber is the structural portion of a plant, and so it is found in whole fruits, vegetables, beans and grains (like corn and brown rice); there is no fiber in meats, fish or poultry. Different types of fibers have different effects on the body, and it's important to get plenty of fiber from a variety of sources.

*Sugar- The concern about sugar intake from added sugars (not the naturally occurring ones) has mostly to do with the fact that they are considered to be "empty calories"-that is, sugar provides calories (which the body uses for energy) but no vitamins or minerals

*Exercise- Anytime is the right time to get outdoors, get in shape and renew our commitment to a healthy lifestyle. A program that includes several fitness activities-for example, walking or biking on Mondays and Wednesdays and playing tennis or swimming on Fridays and Sundays-will help maintain your interest and keep you motivated.

*Heart Health- Want to enjoy a long, active life full of energy and vitality? You'll have to put your heart into it. Maintaining a strong, healthy cardiovascular system is essential to your overall health and quality of life. So why wait? Start making life choices today that will give you the heart of a champion-and the life of a winner.

The information above is not just helpful but life changing and life saving. The world is literally dying for a solution. Did you know that this generation of children, your kids, my kids, are the first generation EVER predicted NOT to outlive their parents due to their daily diet. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunt's, uncle' everyone should really stop and look at the little things they can change in the things they eat. These are the little things we can all change now that will help save you not just $1, 000? s of dollars in medical expense's but it will help you live a longer Healthier and happier life. So with that, take care God Bless I look forward to sharing each week a new way to help everyone make those small changes that will make a BIG difference.

Bradley G