It's not a secret, we all know that nutrition is directly responsible for more than 80% of your results, whether your goal is to build muscle or lose body fat. Ironically, only 3% of the people involved in bodybuilding or fitness are capable of fallowing a specific nutrition plan.

But today, things are about to change for you...

Every serious fitness enthusiast knows that nutrition is the most important part of building an impressive, ripped, muscular physique.

As long as you are not eating the right foods all the intense workout sessions,energy draining cardio sessions are worthless. In order for maximum muscle growth and maximum fatloss you need to eat the right foods. Okay, Good training programs and even the best suppliments will help your muscles grow but not to its full potential. Food is the key, nutritious food, especially in the right quantities.

The problem with many of us is COOKING. Many of us refer to cooking as time wasting, boring and therefore is neglected and overlooked. There are a select few who do follow specific muscle building meal plans but they too face a problem.....

Traditional Bodybuilding and Fitness Nutrition Can Easily Become Boring
it's not long before we crave junk food, we start cheating and eating everything on site that is tasty. Why? Because we had nothing healthy and tasty prepared in advance. Nothing that could match the satisfaction of eating something that tastes so good that you want more...

And you're not the one to blame...Who the hell can live exclusively on boiled chicken breasts, baked potatoes and broccoli?

Top 3 Misconceptions About Cooking And Eating For Bodybuilding and Fitness:

1. You are convinced that bodybuilding and fitness nutrition must be plain, boring and taste terrible.

2. You don't think that there is such thing as a delicious meal that will taste like something you'd eat at a restaurant and promote muscle building and fat loss at the same time

3. You think that you are incapable of cooking, and you don't feel confident and comfortable enough in the kitchen to prepare tasty meals

Anabolic cooking will teach you the secrets of cooking healthy muscle-building meals that promotes lean muscle mass gains, rapid fat loss of fat, and top athletic performances.

You will learn everything you need to know about cooking and eating for success. This will teach you step by step how to cook tasty meals to make your fitness goals a reality, no matter what they may be.
Anabolic Cooking will turn you into the cook you never thought you could be... And, you will learn everything you will ever need to know about how to save time, save money, cook healthy, muscle building meals and start enjoying life again!

Here are just a few things you will find in this book:

  1. More than 200 "Anabolicious" recipes, all full of flavours, designed to promote muscle building and fat loss, and that you can prepare in minutes. In fact those recipes are so easy to make, even a 10 year-old can do it!
  2. Done-For-You Meal Plans :  Will tell you what to eat, when to eat, and how to prepare all your meals, with the complete shopping list and full step-by-step directions. All that supported by my Best Nutrient Timing Strategies
  3. Anabolic Cooking and Nutrition Fundamentals: everything that a person involved in bodybuilding or fitness MUST know about nutrition. You will know exactly what's in the food your eating!
  4. A Virtual Cooking Class: learn how to read a recipe, the different cutting techniques and cooking methods, completed with the Anabolic Cooking Glossary. All you need to know to get started cooking will be covered from A to Z!
  5. How to prepare ALL your meals for the week in less than 3 hours!
  6. My Best Post-Workout nutrition secrets and tactics to optimize your results as well as by best Post-Workout shake recipes
  7. Money Saving Tips: Stop wasting your money! Learn all my tips and tricks about smart grocery shopping.

Those are just a few to mention... I recommend you take a better look at this most rewarding e-book.