Quit Smoking with Hypnosis - Get Control at the Subconscious Level

Are you considering hypnotherapy to stop smoking? A lot of smokers struggle every day with quitting. There are many potential ways to quit and many people have tried them all. They begin with the cold turkey method. However, the nicotine often wins the battle and they light up again. They turn to the gum or patches next. That helps. However, when they try to go off them, the cravings still nag at them. Eventually, they win the battle and the person lights up again. After time, some give up all together and resign themselves to smoking the rest of their lives. However, it is possible to quit smoking with hypnosis.

Why use hypnotherapy to stop smoking? Nicotine works on the pleasure centers of the brain. The brain becomes addicted to this sensation. The craving becomes both physical and psychological. Reaching for the pack and lighter becomes an ingrained habit. That combination of factors makes it difficult to break the habit. To combat this combination, hypnotherapy seeks to reach the part of the brain beyond the thinking boundaries. The idea is to make smoking very unattractive at the subconscious layer. It helps to break the cycle a smoker goes through each time they light up. This makes it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis.

Using hypnotherapy to stop smoking should be part of a larger program. Many people use this as a tool along with patches or gum. It may take multiple sessions to conquer the cravings for nicotine. Some people still have cravings, but learn to control the urges. That is the beauty of trying to quit smoking with hypnosis. By dealing with the subconscious, the hypnotherapist helps plant suggestions that give the conscious mind more control over the nicotine addiction. Many find relief after only a session or two.

Using hypnotherapy to stop smoking is a viable option for many people. Don't think that the hypnotherapist will lock you in a dark room and make you stare at a spinning pinwheel or a swinging watch. Sessions are not like the movies or television portray. They are relaxing experiences for the most part. The idea is to break down natural barriers to the subconscious. Some people cannot be hypnotized due to strong psychological barriers. However, the majority of individuals can. Some studies say that 66% of those hypnotized stop smoking. That is why so many choose to quit smoking with hypnosis.