Natural Blood Pressure Remedy

The other name of this blood pressure is "silent killer". Blood pressure is the pressure that is exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels. Having high blood pressure increases in the risk of you to some of the heart problems like stroke or heart attack.

Blood pressure is the measurement of pressure of the blood flowing through your blood vessels against the vessel walls. It can be caused by two reasons one is by the heart as it pumps the blood and the other is the arteries as they resist the blood flow. This blood pressure may be low or high in an individual.

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Blood pressure is indicated or determined by the amount of blood your heart perhaps pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The normal person's blood pressure is 120/80. If he has less than 120/80 then it is low blood pressure and more than 120/80 and with in 140/90 then it is considered to be as high blood pressure.

High blood pressure develops with no signs and symptoms. This high blood pressure affects everyone in their lives. If it does not occur in your life by the age of 55 then you are likely to develop it any of your age. This high blood pressure does not have any signs or symptoms. But it can cause diseases like heart attack, stroke and many other diseases. But few people feel like suffering with dull headaches, dizzy spells or few more nose bleeds than normal. But the high blood pressure does not occur until it reaches the advanced or life threatening stage.

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