Benefits of a Neck Lift

What Is A Neck Lift?

Most of us have heard of fact lifts, but neck lifts?  Neck lifts have the same concept as a face lift, just a different body part!  In fact, there are a variety of procedures that can be done on the neck giving you a younger and fit appearance.

Who Qualifies For A Neck Lift?

Neck lifts are performed on both men and women of all ages.  Some find that there neck muscles loosen as they age and that the skin on their neck begin to sag, while the genetic makeup of others  causes them to desire neck surgery.

Basically, if you are in good health and you are self conscience about your neck then you are a good candidate for a neck lift.  If you find yourself often shopping for clothes that hide your neck, you should seek a neck lift consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

How Is It Done?

You will start with a consultation appointment.  During this appointment, be prepared to tell the surgeon exactly what you want your outcome to be, but be realistic.  Make certain that your surgeon knows your medical history and any medications you are taking.  You and your surgeon will discuss the best form of anesthesia or pain medication for you, the exact type of procedure that will get you your desired outcome and what you can expect after the surgery.

Generally, your surgeon will make an incision under your chin.  Depending on your exact procedure, incisions could be located elsewhere as well.   Incisions will be made in places that are as inconspicuous as possible to avoid visible scarring.  The surgeon will then reshape the muscles, tissue and fat in your neck area, removing any excess fat or skin.  The procedure could involve stitching muscles together to keep them in place.  The skin will then be replaced and stitched closed.  The entire procedure usually takes two to four hours.

If you work, you should plan to miss at least 10 to 14 days of work.  If you participate in active sports or fitness activities, plan for at least three weeks, maybe longer.  Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions given by your surgeon. You will experience some moderate pain.  There will be swelling and bruising, along with numbness, tingling and perhaps a feeling that your skin is being pulled for a few weeks after your procedure.

Although the risks are small for a neck lift, there is always the risk of infection, bleeding, scarring or numbness.  Your doctor will discuss the risks with you during your consultation visit.

Be sure to get a supply of button up shirts before your surgery.  You won't want to put any shirts on over your head for a while.

Consider also the cost for neck surgery.  Most insurance companies don't cover any of the cost for cosmetic procedures, however many plastic surgery offices have a variety of financing options available so that those desiring a neck lift can have one at an affordable cost.

For more information about neck lifts or to find out about scheduling a consultation appointment, visit <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">Cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles</a>.