What Hormones Make Breasts Grow - Can Fenugreek Make Breasts Grow Bigger?

/? 110710" What Hormones Make Breasts Grow

This is the usual question that every interested person asks. Breast enhancement may not be the talk of the town but surely has been a common issue among women. Who wants smaller breasts anyway? Perhaps every girl who has smaller cup sizes would want a bigger bust size.

The common dilemma is how to make it big without going through breast implant. There are many women who would not go that far. Most concerns with breasts implant are the safety and the cost. A larger group of women belongs to those who would like to try the natural method.

One natural means to augment your breasts size is the use of herbs. There are popular herbal plants that can help you stimulate your tissue and eventually make it grow. Some of these herbs are made into a pill form. The Saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam, blessed thistle, Fennel, dandelion root, and dong quai root are the most common herbs that are formulated into breast enhancement pills. /? 110710" What Hormones Make Breasts Grow

However, the top herb that made a name in natural breast augmentation is the Fenugreek. This herb has a mastogenic effect in your mammary gland. It stimulates the tissues and allows it to expand. This is because the herb has phytoestrogens that simulate the estrogen in conjuring up Prolactin.

This Prolactin is the female hormone that is responsible in the growth of your boobs. This hormone is normally released in the pituitary glands whenever a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. Due to the phytoestrogens, the hormones found in Fenugreek and other herbs, the brain will perceive the phytoestrogens as estrogens, thus will react to it and secret the necessary hormones.

Other specific substances that are found in Fenugreek are Diosgenin, Gitogenin, Neotigogens, Yamogenin and Tigogenin. These substances are all sapogenins. Sapogenin is by nature a steroid substance. The steriod hormones are necessary in producing the estrogens and progesteron. The Fenugreek herb is said to have the highest content of Sapogenins. Thus, this herb makes it the most effective breast enhancer. This information certainly answers the question "Can fenugreek make breasts grow bigger?" /? 110710" What Hormones Make Breasts Grow