Chemical Peel? Sounds Scary

What Is A Chemical Peel For?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure meant to repair damaged skin.  The procedure can reduce minor lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, eliminate acne scars and reduce age spots, dark patches or sun damage.  Those having chemical peel procedures end up looking younger and have smoother skin.  Chemical peels are typically performed on the hands, face and neck.  Both men and women can benefit from chemical peel procedures and anyone in good health can have one.

How Is A Chemical Peel Done?

Chemical peel procedures are done either in the office of the plastic surgeon of your choice or the surgeon will perform them in an outpatient center.  You will begin by meeting with a plastic surgeon for a consultation.  The surgeon will evaluate your skin and listen to want you want in terms of an outcome.  Then, together with the surgeon, you will develop a plan for your course of treatment.  Peels can be of many types, including deeper peels and more surface layer peels.

Before your procedure, you may be given some medication to help you relax.  Depending on the procedure, you may be given other pain control medication, but often times, medication for pain is not necessary for a chemical peel.

Your skin is then thoroughly cleaned and then the chemical peel solution is applied.  You may feel a warm sensation or a slight stinging during this part of the procedure.  The total procedure takes about 15 minutes, but may need to be repeated at a later date in order to get the desired result.  Your plastic surgeon will guide you as to how many total procedures you will need.

After your peel, you may be swollen and your skin will be red.  You could develop blisters as well, depending on your exact type of peel.  Your skin may peel off similar to when a sunburn peels.  You may have to wear bandages for a short time.  Your doctor will inform you of exactly what you should do to care for your skin after your procedure and when you can return to wearing make-up and return to work.

Your procedure should be long lasting, given that you follow your surgeon's orders and wear sunscreen to avoid further damage.

Can I Afford It?

Health insurance typically does not cover cosmetic procedures.  However, insurance may cover chemical peels if they are being used to correct certain conditions, such as acne-related scarring and complications.  You should consult with your plastic surgeon and then talk to your insurance company to see if they may cover some of the cost of your procedure.

Also, check with your surgeon's office to see what financing options they have available.  Most offices have options available to ensure that anyone desiring a chemical peel can afford one.

Are There Any Risks?

As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved with having a chemical peel, however, the risks of having a complication is very low.  The risks include, scarring, numbness and skin discoloration.

For more information about chemical peel procedures or to seek a consultation, please visit <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">Plastic surgery Beverly Hills</a>.